Time for Change
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
1w ago
Labour has swept to power on a wave of disillusionment and anger at the Conservative Party. It’s an opportunity to fix much that has been broken in this country, to build a fairer society, and also to take urgent action on the existential threat of climate breakdown, which is already causing destruction around the world, hitting those who have done least to cause the crisis hardest. We need to invest in the future For decades the level of public investment in the UK has been significantly lower than that of comparable countries. The Labour government has promised to deliver tangible improvem ..read more
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We need a ban and a plan - and a mass movement for a worker-led transition
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
1M ago
A CACCTU response to Unite’s “No Ban Without a Plan” campaign. Launched on 17th of May, Unite’s No Ban Without a Plan campaign aims “to ensure that a future Labour government drops its planned ban on new licences for oil and gas exploration in the North Sea, until a genuine programme for the just transition of work is operational”.  As an organisation campaigning for climate justice, our response to this is unequivocal.  We stand in full solidarity with militant action to ensure that the transition away from oil and gas is one that is fair to workers and their communities: protectin ..read more
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General Motion on Climate Change
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
7M ago
Below and in printable form is a General Motion intended for wide circulation across the trade union movement, and adoption by branches, regions, trades councils and annual conferences, with an ultimate aim for it to be heard at the 2024 TUC. The motion is deliberately pitched at a high level, starting with the basic assertion that climate change is a class issue and a trade union issue.  It sets out the fundamental elements that should underpin the climate policies of every union in order to achieve a common understanding of the crisis, and how to respond to it in the interests of ..read more
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There can be no environmental or climate justice when there is oppression
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
7M ago
We stand with millions around the world calling for: Ceasefire now. An end to the siege on Gaza: safe water, food, fuel, and medicine now. Release all hostages and all Palestinian political prisoners being held illegally. An end to Israel's occupation and work towards a just peace We are horrified at the ongoing suffering and condemn all attacks on civilians and collective punishment. As trade unionists we also look to a just solution to the conflict. Many of the unions we belong to have policy which opposes Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian land, apartheid policies and permanent sie ..read more
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There can be no environmental or climate justice when there is oppression
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
8M ago
We stand with millions around the world calling for: Ceasefire now. An end to the siege on Gaza: safe water, food, fuel, and medicine now. Release all hostages and all Palestinian political prisoners being held illegally. An end to Israel's occupation and work towards a just peace We are horrified at the ongoing suffering and condemn all attacks on civilians and collective punishment. As trade unionists we also look to a just solution to the conflict. Many of the unions we belong to have policy which opposes Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian land, apartheid policies and permanent sie ..read more
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PCS Union plan for a National Climate and Biodiversity Service
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
by Claire
9M ago
John Moloney, Assistant General Secretary, PCS: PCS Union was closely involved with developing the original One Million Climate Jobs campaign. As climate disasters intensify, global emissions rise, and the gap widens between UK climate targets and effective polices to achieve them, the need is greater than ever for a comprehensive climate jobs plan to cut emissions across all sectors.  For PCS, we know this necessary transformation cannot be implemented effectively as the Civil Service is not designed to deliver a long term plan that requires the greatest degree of cross departmental wor ..read more
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Sunak's set to backtrack on climate action, but we expect better from trade union leaders
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
11M ago
Sunak's dangerous backtracking on policies for net zero, in a craven attempt to win votes for an unpopular Tory government, is a disaster for the planet and does nothing to tackle the cost of living crisis. Every trade unionist should challenge and join campaigners in opposing this. Sadly there is nothing new in backtracking on climate pledges from the Tory party in government. But we should expect different from trade trade union leaders. This summer has shown the devastating impacts of climate change. Several thousand lives have been lost in Libya as a result of the most serious climate eve ..read more
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This April, let's help make it big...
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
by Claire
1y ago
Campaign against Climate Change have always believed big street mobilisations are a vital part of the fight to get the urgent climate action we need to avoid catastrophe. We're supporting the XR call-out for the 'BIG ONE' mobilisation, aiming to get 100,000 gathering around Parliament 21-24 April.  It's clear that the multiple crises we face are interlinked: irreversible climate breakdown, spiralling cost of living and poverty, and attacks on fundamental rights to protest and strike. So let's make sure this message is heard with plenty of trade union banners and placards on the action! I ..read more
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Unite Grassroots Climate Justice Caucus call for motion submission
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
by Ellen
1y ago
Call to action for Unite members: the deadline for branches to submit motions to be debated at the July policy conference is 31st January. The recently formed Unite Grassroots Climate Justice Caucus is seeking to get the same motion submitted by as many branches as possible. These were chosen with the aims of keeping the motions simple and focusing on the top priorities that emerged during Caucus meetings. Caucus members are asked to choose one of these two motions.  Each Unite branch can submit one motion only (unfortunately Unite Community branches cannot submit motions, though in some ..read more
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Solidarity to striking workers
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Blog
by Suzanne
1y ago
We have written, along with the Greener Jobs Alliance and the Climate Justice Coalition, to key public service unions striking for decent pay and conditions to express our solidarity. Many CACCTU supporters will have already expressed solidarity to local union branches in a similar way, if not, we encourage you to do. For more about encouraging climate activists to support the strikes, see here Below is our letter, in a general form which can be adapted for particular disputes. As trade unionists and activists campaigning on the climate crisis, the organisations represented in this letter wis ..read more
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