Christ Journey Church
Welcome to the weekly podcast of Christ Journey Church. We desire that you would be inspired, encouraged, and filled with hope.
Christ Journey Church
2d ago
Today's Scripture:John 2:12-22
The Jerusalem Temple was impressive with a powerful history in the spiritual and political life of Israel.
There were 4 courts where people came seeking fellowship with God – the Court of priests, Israel, women, and gentiles.
People throughout the Roman Empire came to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover.
The court of entry, the only place where non-Jews were allowed, was cluttered and clogged by stuff in the way.
Jesus came to open up the way for God’s life to flow to all who seek ..read more
Christ Journey Church
2d ago
Today's scripture - John 2:1-11
Is there such a thing as true love ..read more
Christ Journey Church
2w ago
Today's Scripture: John 1:29-34
How big a problem is guilt in 2025?
“In 2025, guilt can still be a significant problem for many people, potentially impacting mental health and quality of life…”
Key Points: “Unresolved guilt can significantly impact self-esteem, relationships and work performance, leading to negative behaviors and hindering personal growth ..read more
Christ Journey Church
3w ago
Today's Scripture: John 1:41, 45
When you truly encounter and experience Jesus, you become a driver on the Christ journey bus and find yourself saying, Ya’ gotta get some of this ..read more
Christ Journey Church
1M ago
Today's Scripture - John 1:1-18
The Creator has come to his image-bearing creation to gift us with favor and love.
The Bible is alive because God is alive ..read more
Christ Journey Church
1M ago
Today's Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16
The Bible is Alive and Living in Me.
What comes to mind when you think of reading the Bible ..read more
Christ Journey Church
1M ago
Todays Scripture: Matthew 1:21, 23
Have you experienced God’s holy kiss? Have you received his touch of cleansing and the freedom of having your sins forgiven?
It's a gift received by faith, just like a Christmas gift, and it’s got your name on it. Open it ..read more
Christ Journey Church
1M ago
Todays Scripture: Isaiah 7:14, John 14:27
We all encounter moments when darkness seems to engulf us and fear washes over us. Jesus is our peace of mind and peace of heart, but he is also the true Prince for which our world longs ..read more
Christ Journey Church
2M ago
Todays Scripture: Isaiah 5
When we go through confusing times, hard times, it seems like God is not listening or paying attention. So what good does it do to pray ..read more
Christ Journey Church
2M ago
Todays Scripture: Isaiah 2, 3, 4
See your need. Feel your need. Yield your need to your Mighty God, mighty to save ..read more