Life maps: rules or guidelines?
Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
1y ago
“If the map doesn’t agree with the ground, the map is wrong.” – Gordon Livingston, Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart – Thirty True Things You Need to Know Now. I like this quote. It explains a lot about my uncanny ability to get lost. You see, I rely quite a lot on maps to get around due to my appalling sense of direction. Most of the time this means I find my way … eventually. I used to use the old-fashioned paper ones but I have gladly embraced the modern way. Now there is no more fighting with a sheet of paper the size of a small house whilst trying to change gears and steer a car in unfamiliar more
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When passions collide
Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
1y ago
Have you ever thought about how it feels when passions collide? I am not talking about people here, although I do admit that that can be pretty awesome. I am talking about when two or more of our own passions collide or, if you like a gentler version, come together. Well, this has happened to me in the past year. For those of you who have read previous blogs, know me well, know me a little, have been in my training sessions or have interacted with me in any way in recent years, you will undoubtedly be aware that I am quite fond of India. Oh no, here she goes again! Bear with me. Yes, I have a more
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Who is your underwear sister?
Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
1y ago
“And this is my underwear sister.” “I’m sorry … your what?” “My underwear sister.” I am sitting on the floor in a village in India surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colour, encasing a large number of women, all smiling at me and edging as close to me as possible. It might seem that it would be overwhelming or intrusive, but it is not. It is friendly and comfortable with these warm, kind and fun women who are incredibly welcoming. I am here for a wedding. So far I have been introduced to most of them and so far most of them seem to be my hostess’s sisters … which is a bit confusing as I am pre more
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Shifting the Culture: Creating Safe and Respectful Work Environments
Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
1y ago
Bullying – It really is never okay. I was reading the newspaper the other day – not something I usually do, as I often turn straight to the puzzle page – and was sad to read yet another account of bullying in schools. Having been on the receiving end of bullying during my school years, I feel for these kids (being a chubby kid with a weird name in the 60s and 70s in Sydney did not endear me to the mainstream kids). Unfortunately, it is not just in schools where bullying occurs. Bullying and harassment can, and often do, happen in all areas and stages of life. Sporting clubs, workplaces, social more
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Hope: believing something good may happen
Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
2y ago
There are many variations and degrees of hope. We may hope to win the lottery; hope it doesn’t rain on a special day; hope the flight is on time; hope for success in getting the job/ house/ part; hope the COVID test is negative; hope the COVID test is positive (get it out of the way before the trip); hope those you love are okay; hope today won’t be too hard … too sad … too lonely. For some people hope is expressed in terms of gaining something extra in their lives or making a good day even better. For some it can be hope for others. In other cases, it can be hoping they can make it through a more
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Living in harmony: conflict, consideration and choices
Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
2y ago
I am not a fan of conflict. In fact, it is safe to say that I will do just about anything to avoid it. Some people revel in it … they like the challenge of the debate, the different views, beliefs, and thoughts … they can’t wait to bring you over to their viewpoint. Even if they don’t succeed, they enjoy the attempt. Of course, there is not necessarily any harm in that. Good healthy debate, sharing thoughts and opinions, freedom of speech and all that jazz can be thought of as healthy conflict (in our use of the word). But when it goes beyond that we end up with a conflict that is not healthy more
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Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
2y ago
I was talking with one of our team members the other day and they couldn’t stop yawning. Wow, am I getting that boring? Surely not, although I guess I wasn’t being particularly riveting either. They were just tired. It seems to be something that happens a lot … and not just when I am the one talking … although, a friend who helps me with my Hindi homework also tends to yawn a lot which he says is because it reminds him of school, so I think I am okay there. ‘There are different types of tired and different things that cause it.‘ There are of course different types of tired and differen more
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The pursuit of happiness – trying to be happy or being happy?
Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
2y ago
Ah the new year … full of promise, resolutions, new beginnings, giving up chocolate, taking up running, reading more, socialising more, complaining less … a massive self-improvement program that is birthed with the new year. I have always found it kind of funny that we start this new program on the one day of the year when many are a little tired and emotional from the evening’s festivities.  The idea of rising with the dawn to do some stretches, a 10km run, and have a healthy breakfast of fruit or wholegrain cereal, seems great the night before but perhaps after a few too many sherbets more
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Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
2y ago
There has been much talk recently about freedom.  We’ve seen unrest, anger, and anguish about our freedom being taken away. Our freedom to move around at will, our freedom to travel, our freedom to be without masks …  One can argue that people have a right to be free, a right to rebel, a right to protest, a right to free speech … But what happens when this freedom puts others in danger? When what is said and done causes anguish, sickness, death … When one person’s freedom becomes someone else’s prison … Do people still have that right? I was discussing this fact with my mother. My m more
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Leap of Faith
Mental Strides Blog
by mentalstrides
2y ago
You often hear people talking about taking a leap of faith. Whilst traditionally it has referred largely to a religious leap, it can mean different things to different people – we are after all intrinsically, exquisitely unique … it is one of the things that makes this world such an interesting place. Oxford Languages explains it as “an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proven or known”. A leap of faith can be believing in something you can’t always see, like a god … or believing that things we do see will be okay, and won’t let us down. I persona more
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