ASSFN Podcast
Join us as we discuss exciting topics and updates in the field of Functional Neurosurgery, encompassing surgical treatment of movement disorders, epilepsy, pain, and psychiatric disorders. We will have monthly episodes of 15-20 minutes accessible to listeners of all levels from medical students, residents, fellows, attendings, or anyone who wants to learn more about Functional Neurosurgery...
ASSFN Podcast
1y ago
In this episode, co-hosts Danika Paulo, Tessa Harland, and Robert Ziechmann talk about building a functional neurosurgery program with guest speaker, Dr. Peter Konrad. Dr. Konrad is currently the Chair of Neurosurgery at West Virginia University and Executive Director of Integrative Neuroscience & Clinical Innovation at the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute. He has decades of experience building strong functional neurosurgery programs both at Vanderbilt University and West Virginia University. We discuss topics including how to build referral networks, essential personnel, acquiring neces ..read more
ASSFN Podcast
1y ago
In this episode, co-hosts Danika Paulo, Tessa Harland and Robert Ziechmann meet with guest speaker, Dr. Erika Petersen to discuss her work on spinal cord stimulation for painful diabetic neuropathy. Dr. Petersen is the Director of Functional and Restorative Neurosurgery at University of Arkansas Medical Sciences and recently published an article in JAMA on SCS for PDN. We discuss indications for this surgery, patient outcomes and experiences, unexpected findings, longer term follow up and how to build a referral network for this intervention. Take a listen for Dr. Petersen's valuable insights ..read more
ASSFN Podcast
2y ago
In this episode, co-hosts Danika Paulo and Tessa Harland discuss percutaneous cordotomy with Dr. Konstantin Slavin, Professor and Head of the Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Section at University of Illinois Chicago. We discuss the steps and nuances of this interventional pain procedure, indications, ideal patient population, complications and expected outcomes. Although this procedure is rarely performed, it can be effective in the properly selected patient, and we discuss when to treat pain with percutaneous cordotomy versus other interventional procedures including cingulotomy, spi ..read more
ASSFN Podcast
2y ago
In this episode, co-hosts Danika Paulo, Tessa Harland and Robert Ziechmann talk with guest speaker Dr. Julie Pilitsis about the role of organized Neurosurgery, how to get involved and how organizational involvement helps with career building. Dr. Pilitsis holds many roles, currently serving as Dean of Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University, Vice President of ASSFN and President of the North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS). She previously served as professor, chair and division chief of Functional Neurosurgery as well as chair and professor of the basic ne ..read more
ASSFN Podcast
2y ago
In this podcast episode, host Danika Paulo and featured guest speaker, Dr. Kelly Foote, Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Florida, discuss the two most common deep brain stimulation targets for Parkinson's Disease - subthalamic nucleus (STN) and globus pallidus internus (GPI). Our conversation covers anatomic and neurophysiologic differences between the two targets, clinical considerations of when and why to choose one target over the other, bilateral vs unilateral implants, differences in cost, and the importance of focusing on the primary symptom that is most bothersome to the p ..read more
ASSFN Podcast
2y ago
In this episode, co-hosts Danika Paulo and Robert Ziechmann discuss the ethical considerations surrounding neuroscience research with our featured guest speaker, Dr. Nader Pouratian, Professor and Chair of Neurosurgery at UT Southwestern. We cover many topics including the physician-scientist role in research, informed consent, data security, common themes in ethical discussions and how to get involved/learn more about ethics. Take a listen and share your thoughts with us on twitter at @ASSFNeurosurg ..read more
ASSFN Podcast
2y ago
In this episode, co-hosts Danika Paulo and Robert Ziechmann discuss the topic of MRI-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy for medically refractory epilepsy with our featured guest speaker, Dr. Jason Schwalb, Professor of Neurosurgery at Henry Ford Medical Group in Michigan. We start with a brief background of surgical interventions for medically refractory epilepsy and the development of MRgLITT as a minimally invasive alternative to resection and go on to discuss the ASSFN position statement on this topic. Take a listen and share your thoughts with us at @ASSFNeurosurg ..read more
ASSFN Podcast
2y ago
In our first full episode, we discuss the topic of Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with our guest speaker, Dr. Sameer Sheth, Associate Professor at Baylor College of Medicine. We begin with a brief background of OCD and development of surgical treatments for medically refractory cases, then discuss recent updates to CNS Guidelines and a recent Nature Medicine article on neurophysiologic biomarkers of OCD symptom severity as a foundation for adaptive DBS therapy, and finish with a Q&A session. Take a listen ..read more
ASSFN Podcast
2y ago
Welcome to our Pilot Episode of the American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) Podcast! Co-hosts Dr. Danika Paulo (Vanderbilt Neurosurgery Resident) and Dr. Robert Ziechmann (Temple Neurosurgery Resident) discuss our plan for the podcast, including monthly 15-20 minute episodes discussing relevant topics in the treatment of epilepsy, movement disorders, pain and psychiatric neurosurgery with a variety of formats including journal article discussions, Q&A sessions, practice building tips, guideline updates, suggestions for trainees and more. We encourage lis ..read more