7CTOs Blog
Check out our CTO blog for a variety of articles and videos that can help support your life, career, and mindset as a Chief Technology Officer. 7CTOs passion is to see technology leaders "move forward together". 7CTOs was established as a Social Enterprise, commercial strategy to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for external..
7CTOs Blog
7M ago
The CTO role is changing rapidly. Whether you're a seasoned CTO or new to the game, this resource will help prepare you for the year ahead ..read more
7CTOs Blog
10M ago
What exactly is a fractional CTO and how do you become one? Learn all the details you need to know about fractional CTOs from the experts at 7CTOs ..read more
7CTOs Blog
11M ago
As members of the C-Suite, we wear the mantle of leadership in our companies. A mantle is a loose, sleeveless cloak which when you add a light sabre, conjures up images of the Skywalkers. Who doesn’t want to be Luke or Leia Skywalker? Maybe, you already are. Or maybe you are a young Padawan in the order of the Jedi. Either way, you decided to be a leader. And with that leadership comes the responsibility of managing people towards successful outcomes for your business ..read more
7CTOs Blog
11M ago
What Exactly is a Technology Vision? A technology vision is a statement that clearly describes what the future state of a company’s technology will be and why. It is a guiding light to current and future engineers that brings ..read more
7CTOs Blog
11M ago
There's nothing more important to the success of a team than its people. There are many different ways to hire & this guide will help CTOs do it successfully ..read more
7CTOs Blog
1y ago
This guide aims to delve into the fundamentals of error budgets; their components, strategic importance, and the creation of effective error budget policies ..read more
7CTOs Blog
2y ago
Conflict is a natural part of the human experience. So too is the question of how to deal with it. As business leaders it becomes vital that we learn how to resolve conflict. At least once in a meeting ..read more
7CTOs Blog
2y ago
What Exactly is a Technology Vision? A technology vision is a statement that clearly describes what the future state of a company’s technology will be and why. It is a guiding light to current and future engineers that brings ..read more