The Inside Ride
The Inside Ride will discuss current education issues through a Social-Emotional Learning lens.
The Inside Ride
1M ago
This week Kevin and Tom reconnect with Jon Florence, an Assistant Principal at Beaumont High School in Beaumont, California. His coaching background transitioned him into an effective AP because in a sense he now coaches everyone! Have a listen and share!
Jon's email is below: more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
What a great guest Kevin and Tom interviewed this week (says everyone that listens!)!!!
Sierra Green, a Third Grade teacher from Elk Creek Elementary in Newcastle, Colorado, shares her experiences and her WHY!
Enjoy more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
This week Kevin and Tom share stories and memories of Co-founder and Co-owner of Top 20 Training, Paul Bernabei. Paul passed away last month after months of battling pancreatic cancer. His impact is felt far and wide. Rest in Peace Paul more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
This week Tom and Kevin chat with Chris Sindelar, a dynamic and authentic Activities Director from Fontana High School in Fontana California! Kevin and Tom had the opportunity to visit his school and speak to his student leaders and faculty/staff. Chris is full of what's good for students, we thought we'd share Chris with you more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
Kevin and Tom talk about the challenges and joys of education. Top 20 is very tuned in to the administrators and educators across the country and as we listen, we try to find helpful ideas and strategies as the new school year approaches. ENjoy more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
Hello Folks,
This week Kevin and Tom share thoughts on how to end the school year in a way that reminds about meaning, instill belief, and offers hope! more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
Gail Bentley, principal of Del Oro High School in Bakersfield, CA has worked VERY hard to create a school that TRULY takes on the challenge of creating life-long learners. From paint color choice, to the absence of bells, to equitable grading,...her school is striving to accomplish lofty goals. I'd say they've achieved those goals! more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
This week's episode brings an educator to the microphone that is built for human connection and belonging. As ASB (Associated Student Body) Director for his High School (think Stu. Co., Leadership, etc.) he creates moments and teaches classes that prioritize bonding, connection, and showcasing all students' successes!
If you have questions or would like to reach out to Rod, please see he email below: more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
This week Kevin and Tom talk with Joe Beckman. He is relevant and is spreading a message or connection, confirmation, and affirmation. Definitely worth the listen! more
The Inside Ride
3M ago
This week Kevin and Tom focus on hope and human development as a means of doing what matters in schools. Ideas, examples, and hope are only a listen away. Press play more