Rev.FICO gives daily reflections on spirituality and Theology. Rev.FICO is a Roman Catholic Priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and an American gospel artist with a mission to help everyone and strive to attain perfection in god.
22h ago
No, never, in all eternity, will I renounce Christ, nor sacrifice to idols. Your gods have been wicked people, who now burn in hell! Jesus Christ alone is the true God and the Saviour of the world - St. Simeon ..read more
2d ago
The time in which the seven Servite founders lived is very easily comparable to the situation in which we find ourselves today. It is “the best of times and the worst of times,” as Dickens once wrote. Some, perhaps many, feel called to a countercultural life, even in religion. All of us are faced in a new and urgent way with the challenge to make our lives decisively centered in Christ. (Franciscan Media) Impart to us, O Lord, in kindness the filial devotion with which the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite ..read more
2d ago
As Catholic Christians, we are always reminded to always trust in the Lord. This might seem strange in our secular world today as the world we live in does not acknowledge God or His importance in our lives and the media has continually pushed to silence our belief in God. Trust is an essential component in our lives as Christians and God’s children. What is Trust? Trust is defined as the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. In the Catholic faith, trust is defined ..read more
4d ago
I know the difficulties that you are all experiencing, but I also know…that it is the yoke of the Lord, and that He Himself has the goodness to render it gentle and sweet for those who bear it for His love. I irrevocably resolve to love and serve Him with greater fidelity and to give myself entirely to Him — St. Louise de Marillac ..read more
5d ago
Behold, my brother, we have shared the same destiny, ploughing the same furrow; I now fall in the field at the end of my day. I know that you greatly love your Mountain; but do not for the sake of the Mountain give up your work of teaching. (St. Cyril – on his deathbed – to St. Methodius)However tired and physically worn out I am, I will go with joy to that land; with joy I depart for the sake of the Christian faith - Saint Cyril ..read more
6d ago
You are rewarded not according to your work or your time, but according to the measure of your love. May the Holy Spirit enlighten us and give us eyes to see, hands to do the work of God, feet to walk, and a mouth to preach the Word - St. Catherine de Ricci ..read more
1w ago
I was ill and you comforted me….. As often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me. (Matthew 25:26,40)Jesus, Infinite Healer, teach me to visit and comfort the sick. Help me always to see You in them and not count the cost. St. Julian, you were a perfect example of giving your utmost love to the sick, please pray for us, Amen ..read more
1w ago
“Would you do me the favor of coming here for two weeks?“ Bernadette said, Yes. And lady said: “I don’t promise to make you happy in this world, but in the other. Pray to God for sinners. Kiss the earth as a sign of penitence for sinners ..read more
1w ago
I asked you and you would not listen, so I asked my God and He did listen - St. ScholasticaO Beloved Jesus, Saint Scholastica enjoyed spending hour upon hour talking with family and friends about the nature of God and the joys of spiritual growth. She found so much energy in this activity that she would continue all night long! I submit to You, O Lord, all of my conversations. May I speak only words that glorify You. Bring to me companions who have the same enthusiasm for faith-sharing. Protect us from shallow ..read more
1w ago
In today’s readings, we are shown three holy individuals who pointed out their lowliness and sinfulness before God, thereby emphasizing the importance of Humility. Prophet Isaiah in the first reading after his vision states, “Woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles in our second reading pointed out his lowliness before God by saying, “I am the least of the apostles ..read more