Domestic Violence & How I Survived
For those looking for answers when it seems like you are drowning in abuse. I survived a 27-year relationship of abuse. I was verbally, sexually, emotionally, and physically abused and victimized by my husband throughout our marriage. This is my journey from victim to survivor.
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
You have finally found some peace you have started to live your life how you want to. Then you realize without your tribe or community of family and friends there is no way you would have made it out ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
From victim to survivor to now thriver. You have survived and going through therapy and going to classes and doing the shadow work and self-care treatment. these are the things that have helped heal you and now you have been educated and learned all the vocabulary and terms with the abuse. You have a true tool kit known when dealing with narcissistic and abusive people and their behaviors. You have gotten really good at spotting toxic behavior and even cutting some people out of your life. Now is when you can THRIVE in life. This is when we discover the meaning and purpose of the suffering. Ti ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
You have left your abuser, now what do I do? This is intensive and scary time for you and your family. You are in true survival mode, like never before. The more you are able to understand what your next steps should be the more you will be able to ensure the safety of you and your family ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
Now that you left your abuser the mental and physical toll is astronomical. Knowing what steps to take will give you a bit of a leg up from those who did not know where or how to turn once they left. The court systems are a scary place, but you must utilize the courts to get truly free from your abuser. Please be kind to yourself, take time to find your happy place once again ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
Reactionary abuse is when the abuse victim has endured so much abuse, they simply have an innate reaction to it. This is I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore. Being locked in a cage with no way out and the abuser is your only form of freedom and that always comes at a cost. This is to shed some light on the real aspect of how abusers will manipulate reactionary abuse as a moment to prove they are being abused or that the victim is really a bad person ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
When we have to deal with the Abuser it narcissistic abuser. Be short, do not engage in their gaslighting and manipulation tactics ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
This episode we discuss triggers, what they are and how and what to do with them. They actually are like a roadmap, helping with the guidance of where you need to lean in to heal ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
In this episode we discuss what it takes to begin your healing journey. We have all been through some serious trauma by surviving the abuse. It is up to us to heal from the trauma in order for the impact of the abuse can start to leave us for good. I speak of techniques along with some ideas on how to implement these techniques ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
You've been through so much. But you are stronger and braver for it all. Looking back and appreciating I am here instead of there. I have finalized my divorce and learning who I am once again ..read more
Domestic Violence & How I Survived
1y ago
Intimate Terrorism is the abuse that victims endure especially during this time of lock down. This is the time when an abuser will utilize all of their abusing tactics that do not allow for any personal freedoms. This is actually what kidnappers use to keep their victims captive. Please remember if you talk about what is going on with anyone, this act is one of the most freeing things you can do for you and your children. This episode is here to help those in need of resources for the help they need in regards to domestic violence. &n ..read more