Episode 84: Curating Photos, and Curating Life - How To Focus On What Matters Most
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
When I curate photos, as a photographer, I have to decide which ones are relevant, which ones are beautiful, which ones take me back to a time or place or situation, which ones are most likely to be valued by the recipient or by me, and can I get rid of the rest?  Curating life is much the same. What things matter most? What are the greatest distractions in my life? If you were to take the experiences of your life and display them on a wall, sort of a panorama of your loves and your losses, the good and the bad, the lifespan of who you really have become, the picture of who you really ar ..read more
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Managing Conflicts with The Three R's: Respect, Respond, and Redirect, part 2
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
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Managing Conflicts with The Three R's: Respect, Respond, and Redirect, part 1
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
In this podcast, Nathan discusses the importance of The Three R's™: Respect, Respond, and Redirect™. Nathan helps us understand and address the underlying emotions driving disruptive behavior to effectively defuse conflicts. Illustrated by an incident during a training session in New York City, Nathan explains how to effectively handle interruptions and conflicts in multiple settings, including work, family, and public interactions. By sharing a story where a participant's disruptive behavior was met with understanding and engagement rather than dismissal, the speaker highlights the importanc ..read more
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Your Life Can Be Better Than You Think
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
In this episode, I share personal reflections on my 40-year marriage journey with my wife, starting from our humble beginnings with no understanding of how to navigate life together, to celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. I recount the challenges we faced, including financial difficulties, the birth of our children, and the trials of raising a family, with a focus on the spontaneous and unpredictable nature of life. Despite the hardships, I highlight the importance of gratitude, growth, and the realization that life's meaning is shaped by our responses to experiences. Through the story ..read more
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The Stories You Tell
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
This podcast delves into the profound impact stories have on individuals and societies, illustrating through historical and literary examples how narratives can inspire change, dictate perceptions, and influence actions. It discusses the effect of literature like Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', the moral dilemmas in Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables', the deceptive tranquility in Nazi Germany during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, and the motivational power of Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' during the American Revolutionary War. I emphasize the dual nature of stories to both build and destroy, and urge liste ..read more
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Streams and Swamps and Human Connection
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
Revitalizing Relationships: Don't Let Your Bonds Become Stagnant In this heartfelt talk, I share analogies that  highlight the importance of keeping relationships fresh, just like spring water. I emphasize the concept of honoring the 'bids', or attempts at connection, from others, to encourage healthy progress in relationships. Stagnant water in a stream is akin to stagnant relationships and in this podcast, I underline the significance of 'emotional deposits' in ensuring the prosperous flow of relationships. I can help you get where you want to go. Message me on Instagram @natesschoolof ..read more
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Happiness and Change, No Matter What Others Think
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
Episode 78 Happiness  and Change, No Matter What Others Think: Confronting Self-Consciousness & Embracing Your Ability To Become In this reflective talk, Nathan discusses the often subtle insecurities we carry about our appearances and how these thoughts can impact us. He deciphers how insecurity is common, and that the best way to confront it is by shifting our focus from how we look, to the value we provide to others. Nathan talks about the importance of dressing appropriately and the influence it has on our self-perception and performance. Additionally, he critiques an attitude o ..read more
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Regret, Loneliness, and Good Things To Come
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
Podcast 77: Regret, Loneliness, and Good Things To Come In this episode, Nathan discusses the experience of regret and provides a deeper exploration of the feelings that arise during the holiday season. He urges the listener to not dwell on past mistakes and instead embrace the learning opportunities they provide. Reinforcing this point, Nathan quotes John Greenleaf Whittier and Henry David Thoreau about regret. Nathan discusses the choices we make, and the importance of accepting responsibility for these choices to gain personal power and influence outcomes. He suggests that, instead of tryin ..read more
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Episode 76: Childhood Trauma, Adult Shame, and Grace
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
This episode is titled "Podcast 76: Childhood Trauma, Adult Shame, and Grace." It follows Nathan’s personal experience of feeling ashamed and embarrassed after nearly missing a VIP dinner at an event he was invited to. He reflects on the childhood trauma that can trigger similar emotions and reactions in adult relationships. Nathan’s counsel emphasizes the importance of giving grace and understanding to others who may be responding from their past experiences. I am willing and ready to help you. Find me on Instagram @natesschoolofthought, or on the web at natewalkercoaching.com ..read more
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Gratitude: the Wonder Drug
Nathan's School of Thought
by Nathan Walker
2w ago
This episode is  podcast 75:  Gratitude - the Wonder Drug." In it, Nathan talks about the power and benefits of gratitude. He shares a personal experience from his youth on the farm, where he felt overwhelmed with gratitude for his family and everything he had. He then goes on to discuss various studies and research that show how gratitude can improve sleep, mood, immunity, decrease depression and anxiety, strengthen relationships, promote generosity, and more. Nathan concludes by expressing gratitude towards his listeners and wishing them a happy Thanksgiving. Articles referenced i ..read more
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