International Star Bible Society Blog
The International Star Bible Society is dedicated to strengthening the faith of Christian believers by spreading God's Message about Jesus Christ which is contained in the stars. It is also our hope to go beyond our present knowledge, which we feel has just scratched the surface of the revelation of the Star Bible.
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
On June 21, the Sun moves into the constellation Gemini (The United).
Gemini is the tenth chapter of the Star Bible and is a picture of two men. One has the bright star Pollux (He Who Comes to Suffer) at the head and the star Alhena (The Wounded) at the foot, a clear representation of Christ as the wounded Seed of Woman, bruised in the heel (See Genesis 3:15). The other has the bright star Castor (The Ruler) at the head and the star Mebsuta (Treading Under Foot) in the foot, a picture of Christ the victorious Seed of Woman treading Satan underfoot. Thus Gemini pictures not two men but one, Jes more
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
Next week on May 26 early risers in the western half of America will be treated to a Super Blood Moon just before dawn.
A Blood Moon is a lunar eclipse which derives its name from the blood red coloration of the eclipsed Moon. The total eclipse will last only 18 minutes, occurring just prior to dawn as the Moon is setting. It is a “Super” eclipse because the Moon is closest to earth and appears to be 8% larger than normal.
The scriptures provide the clues to understand the sign of the Blood Moon. The Moon, called “The faithful witness in the sky” in Psalm 89:37, is symbolic of th more
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
Next week on the night of April 21-22, the famous Lyriad Meteor shower will be visible all night with best viewing just before dawn on April 22.
Meteor showers are named for their point of origin, being in this case the constellation Lyra (The Harp). However, the place where this meteor shower is coming from is also the place where we are going.
Astronomers say the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the entire solar system are moving toward the bright star Vega, in the constellation Lyra, at about 40,000 miles per hour. Vega, the fifth brightest star in the sky, means “He shall be Exa more
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
This month on March 13 we celebrate the beginning of the Jewish sacred year.
The Lord Himself specified that the sacred year would begin in the Spring at the time of the Exodus (Exodus 12:2). In Egypt the New Year had begun in mid July when the bright star Sirius rose in conjunction with the annual flooding of the Nile. By moving the New Year to the beginning of Spring God wasn’t just differentiating His people from the Egyptians, He was restoring the year to its ancient parameters.
Even before the Flood of Noah, Enoch’s calendar begins with the Spring Equinox. This calendar is contained in th more
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
This week at about 10:00 pm the stars of the constellation Gemini (The United) will be directly overhead at the Zenith point in the Southern U.S.
Gemini is one of the Zodiacal constellations and is the Tenth Chapter of the Star Bible. The name means “The Twins” in Greek but in the ancient Hebrew it means “The United.” It is a picture of two men standing together who are united as one. The first contains the bright star Pollux, meaning “He Who Comes to Suffer” at its head, with the Star Alhena, meaning “Wounded” at its feet. This figure corresponds to the first half of Genesis 3:15, where the S more
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
The constellation of the Holy Spirit, Aquarius (The Water Pourer), will slip behind the Sun on February 18.
Aquarius, the sixth chapter of the Star Bible, is a picture of a man pouring out an urn of water. Aquarius comes after the constellation Capricorn (The Goat) which pictures the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ. After His resurrection Christ told His followers to wait for Him in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. Aquarius shows the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which is often represented by water, that began on Pentecost in Jerusalem.
The three constellations more
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
This week the bright constellation Orion (Coming Forth as Light) reaches its highest and most visible point in the early evening around 9:00.
Orion is the self portrait of Christ.
Orion is the brightest of all of the constellations, and is one of the constellations associated with Taurus (“The Bull”) which tells of the Second Coming of Christ. Orion, which means “Coming Forth as Light”, is a picture of a warrior who is preparing to crush a serpent under his feet. The constellation captures the theme of the Star Bible: the Seed of Woman who is bruised in the heel and crushes the head of the ser more
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
On January 20 the constellation Capricorn (The Goat) moves behind the sun.
Capricorn is the fifth chapter of the Star Bible, a very peculiar picture of a dying goat with the tail of a fish. The constellation and its three associated constellations of Aquila (The Eagle), Sagitta (The Arrow), and Delphinus (The Dolphin) tell the story of the death and resurrection of Christ. Aquila (The Eagle), is a picture of a falling eagle, containing the Summer Triangle star Altair (The Wounding) along with other stars Alcair (The Piercing) and Alokal (Wounded in the Heel), showing the death of the Seed of W more
International Star Bible Society Blog
1y ago
We are often asked to show how the revelation of God in the Heavens, which we call the Star Bible, is based on scripture. We do so gladly.
The scriptures tell us in Psalm 147:4 and Isaiah 40:26 that God named the stars. God grouped them into their constellations according to Job 38:32. Archaeologists have unearthed the ancient names of the stars and constellations from Mesopotamia, home of the earliest civilizations after the Flood of Noah. They tell the story of Genesis 3:15, how the Seed of Woman will be bruised in the heel and crush the head of the serpent.
Psalm 19 says that the Heavens de more