Is There a Downside to Dating UP?
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Michele Burghardt
1w ago
Considering our cultural norms, men traditionally make more money and are more highly educated than women who were born in the 1950s and earlier. Although today more women than men are pursuing master’s degrees, men are still making more in the workforce. As a result, it’s easy to see how women can find themselves in a situation where they are dating UP! But is it all rainbows and cotton candy? Unbalance Can Cause Insecurity in a Relationship Yes, there are other social currencies that can cause a sense of unbalance within a relationship, but financial success is the most popular. Of course more
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8 Unmistakable Signs That You May Have Met the Perfect Match
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Andrea McGinty
2w ago
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you walked away and suddenly felt a sense of freedom? Perhaps it was a toxic workplace, a harmful relationship, or distancing yourself from a negative friend. The outcome, however, was a huge feeling of relief as if a heavy burden had been lifted off your chest. A healthy relationship should never make you feel that way. You deserve to feel comfortable, unrestricted, and able to be your genuine self in a relationship. So, what are the signs? Here are my thoughts based on over 28+ years helping people find the “one” and over 6,000 marriages. Th more
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7 Steps to Turn Up the HEAT on Your Love Life
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Joanie Marx
2w ago
It’s summertime in North America, which means it’s getting hotter by the day. As the temperatures outside rise, is your love life sizzling or fizzling? As much as we all want that special someone to flip the switch on our hot meter, we must first be willing to flip the script on the narrative we were sold on romance. That’s right, ladies, contrary to what we were led to believe, turning up the heat on your love life starts with you. More specifically, it begins within you. This is the first of a new six-part series on “The Art of Self-Love After 60.” In this series, we will focus on ways to s more
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How to Avoid the Heartbreak of Ghosting Dating After 50
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Lisa Copeland
2w ago
The definition of Ghosting according to Urban Dictionary is, “The act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date.” A better definition is… you and I meet, we have amazing chemistry, we hang out and have awesome sex. I bond to you and then you disappear, ultimately breaking my heart. You don’t answer my calls or texts and I am so confused and concerned. Here’s how the conversation goes. “Are you hurt? Did I do something wrong? We were making plans and now you’re gone.” Sadly, ghosting happens all the time now. Back in the day, before more
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Should You Go on a Second Date?
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Andrea McGinty
3w ago
Wondering if you should go on a second date? It’s like trying to decide if you should eat that last slice of pizza – you’re not sure if it’s a good idea, but you’re also not ready to let it go. Sometimes it’s just not clear. Deciding whether to go on a second date can be a tough decision. After meeting for lunch, you may have found the interaction enjoyable but lacking that special spark. Perhaps during a drinks date, you were attracted to your date but felt like they dominated the conversation without asking about you. Or maybe during a coffee and walk, there were awkward pauses that made yo more
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Do I Really Want to Date Again?
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Diane Koller
3w ago
When I am single, I reflexively sign up for a dating app, or three. Why would I ever want my flirting skills to get rusty? I don’t know about all of you, but for me it’s soothing and fun to peruse profiles, kind of like going to a cocktail party where you know no one, but everyone is friendly and receptive. And, I feel less alone, because there’s something to do on a Saturday night besides the laundry! Of course, when I’m in a partnership, I fantasize about the fun of being single. My house can maintain disaster zone status, cereal is eaten for dinner… This woman goes where she wants, with wh more
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The 5 Types You Should Never Date
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Andrea McGinty
1M ago
One great advantage of celebrating another birthday is gaining another year of wisdom. (So many of my clients had June birthdays and this got me thinking). With our accumulated life experiences, we should be able to recognize certain patterns or trends in the individuals we choose to date. However, there are some red flags that may go unnoticed. Here are a few types to be cautious of: 1. The “Just Ended a Long-Term Relationship” Type This individual has recently come out of a lengthy relationship, whether it be a 10-, 20-, or even 30-year marriage or partnership. Your goal is to find a lifelo more
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Why You Probably Won’t Meet Someone with Online Dating
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Andrea McGinty
1M ago
Ohhh, you are thinking, “Wow, Andrea, did you wake up negative? Wrong side of the bed?” No, just realistic. This had been front and foremost in my mind this week as a dating coach – both from the perspective of listening to people’s rationalizations about OD (online dating) and potential clients who may want to use me as a coach – and their litany of excuses. Ok, do you want the good news or the bad news? I’m going to start with the bad – and what I’ve been gathered this week based on conversations with intelligent people. Here are four reasons why you most likely won’t benefit from online da more
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Let’s Share Some of Our Weird Dating Stories
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Andrea McGinty
1M ago
You just can’t make this stuff up about first dates. And I have had front-row seats every day – for the past 27 years. Today I focus on stories men have told me recently. Why? 40% of my clients are male in their 50s to 80s and they get frustrated too with online dating. Actually, everyone gets disappointed with online dating, that is, until they meet “the one” and suddenly that dating site or app is the best in the world, as they tell all their friends. Over 65% of my clients find long-term relationships but it most certainly is not magical as quirky things can occur along the way. Keys to On more
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Are You Falling in Love, or Chasing a Feeling?
Sixty And Me » Dating
by Michele Burghardt
1M ago
In the intricate dance of romance, it’s easy to get swept away by the whirlwind of emotions. Your heart races, you feel butterflies flutter, and your mind becomes consumed with the intoxicating allure of him. But are you falling in love with him, or are you in love with the feeling of being loved and in love? Yes, at this stage of life, relationships move along faster than they do when you’re 30. But how fast is too fast? Studies show that at any age it still takes approximately 100 hours to get past the date-face and start to get to know the real person, and 200 hours to fall in love. So let more
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