End The War
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
When there is a war between knowing what the correct or proper response is and choosing to react to the situation wrong ..read more
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Key #3 - Lead With Intention (12 Keys for Effective Leadership)
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
Lead with intention. The lack of intention leads to an accident that can affect the lives of others. We must remember that once something is spoken or action has been taken, it is impossible to retract what has been done. Our intentions must be beneficial for everyone involved—intentions with a purposed resolution and solution for a positive outcome. Be intentional about what we say and do. Our words and actions can either increase or decrease our influence. Be intentional about our responses and reactions. Choosing to respond or react can alter the outcome. Be intentional about providing an ..read more
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Key #9 - Lead With Positivity (12 Keys for Effective Leadership)
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
Leaders must find themselves involved in positivity over negativity. When a leader is challenged with negativity, they must strategically present it as an opportunity for enhancement, transformation, or change. Do not just accept the negativity without transitioning it into something positive. Keep an positive attitude and transition negativity to something optimism. Use challenges to infuse positivity through speech and behavior. A leaders positive disposition can change the trajectory of the team. Leaders are transformative keys that seize opportunities. #Leadership #FemaleLeadership #Visi ..read more
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Key #6 - Lead To Image (12 Keys for Effective Leadership)
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
Leaders are concerned about image. It is always necessary to consider your image as a leader because many people may never hear you, but they will see you. Your image should tell your story. Leaders must consider what visual thought they present to the world. When people look at you, what is the word that comes to their mind? Leaders should be considerate about their image. Leaders should be a demonstration for others to experience and see. Leaders should be a positive visualization that encourages others. Leaders should be concerned about the perception they leave others. #Leadership #Femal ..read more
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Key #12 - Leadership and Legacy (12 Keys for Effective Leadership)
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
As a leader, you must consider your legacy. Every decision, conversation, action, and plan must be implemented and established with a vision for what you desire for your legacy. Your legacy should not start after you have transitioned. Your legacy should begin while you are alive. Legacy should always be a vital part of every leaders vision. Every step of the journey must be about making a generational impression. A leaders legacy should grow each day of their life. Legacies should be comprised of a leaders desires, hopes, goals and dreams. #Leadership #FemaleLeadership #Vision #Mission #Pla ..read more
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Key #10 - Lead Promote Self-Care (12 Keys for Effective Leadership)
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
Leaders must never forget to indulge themselves in self-care. Self-care is maintaining a mental, physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual balance. A healthy and productive environment includes self-discipline, self-awareness, self-respect, self-responsibility, self-accountability, and self-reliability. A productive leader understands the importance of self-leadership. Leaders continuously practice self-discipline. Self-Respect is a leaders blueprint for teaching others respect. Individuals, groups and organizations need leaders who understand accountability. #Leadership #FemaleLeade ..read more
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Key #7 - Lead With Confidence (12 Keys for Effective Leadership)
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
Leaders need to be confident in their creator and who He has created them to be because insecurities will stifle, restrain, restrict your progress, and diminish your impact. Being confident in your purpose and assignment upholds your level of influence. Confident leaders are not absent insecurities, but they deal with them directly. Confidence is contagious and resonates with your audience/followers. Confident leaders break barriers and remove limitations. Leaders who are confident know their assignment and refuse to settle. #Leadership #FemaleLeadership #Vision #Mission #Plan #StrategicPlan ..read more
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Key #4 - Lead With Relevance (12 Keys for Effective Leadership)
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
Lead so that when your audience, customers, clients, or people hear your voice, it gives life and relevance. Leaders must realize that what they speak provokes people to action—a voice of a leader plants insight, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that causes change. The voice of a leader has the ability and capacity to transport individuals and organizations to a desired destination. Lead with the purpose of changing the lives for the better. Lead with a voice that is relevant to the times and seasons. Lead to provide insight and enlighten those who will listen. Lead to transport and trans ..read more
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The Journey of Self Discovery through Self Love
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Nancy Juneja
2y ago
Are you looking to set off on a Self-Discovery Journey? Are you looking forward to deriving new insights about your True Self? Whether spurred by a milestone birthday, life upheaval, or simply curiosity, many of us will at some point set out on a quest for greater self-knowledge. As part of this process, we must not only search to determine what constitutes our true selves but let go of objects of identification we’ve long mistaken for ourselves, requiring a balance of introspection and new experiences. So, let’s set sail through a journey of self-discovery through self-love. The search for ou ..read more
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A Vow to Women for Women
The Global Female Civility Leadership Institute
by Dr. Ona C. Miller
2y ago
Mental Fortitude Mindset and Emotions Many of the barriers that we face, as females, play a detrimental role in our mindset and emotions. According to Miller (2016), in a qualitative, Prof. Ona C. Miller outlines the most prevalent internal barriers women face in nonprofit organizations (Miller, 2016, p.237). The internal barriers identified were intimidation, insecurity, fear, rejection, defeat, discouragement, belittled, weary, and forsaken. The participants described external barriers as things that seemingly are beyond self-control. We must carefully concentrate on the health and wealth of ..read more
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