Women Leaders for Christian Education
Recollections from the Bible on Leadership and Faith values for Women. Read pragmatic, helpful advice for women on how to deal with issues they face and also thoughts on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Women Leaders for Christian Education is an online platform to inform, educate and support women leaders in Christian education
Women Leaders for Christian Education
7M ago
Growing up, one of my favorite movies was The Power of One. The movie, itself, is about the story of a young, white, English orphan living in South Africa during ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
8M ago
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 How many of you are collectors? I’ve had a few collections in my life, but now that I ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
9M ago
The power of Scripture to convict and transform is real. On an early spring morning decades ago, the sun barely peeking above the horizon, birds chirping melodiously outside my window ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
10M ago
‘Women Holding Things’ is the title of a beautiful collection of illustrations by the artist Marina Kalman (2022, New York: Harper). Flip to any page and you will find an ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
11M ago
“Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
1y ago
It is tradition at WLCE to invite our blog authors, friends, and colleagues to share their favorite books from the past year. We received many great recommendations! Listed in alphabetical ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
1y ago
It’s a dark winter’s eve. They have traveled far and long, glimpsing wistfully, as they’ve trudged along, into the lighted front rooms of many homes, observing scenes of comfort and ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
1y ago
Thank you. During the pandemic, these two simple words were a blessing to me at the end of each of my math classes. Even though I’m the head of school ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
1y ago
The data shows that most CEOs, in schools and elsewhere, do not make it past year five in leadership in their organization. The median tenure of CEOs across many industries ..read more
Women Leaders for Christian Education
1y ago
You have no doubt heard the statistics commonly cited from the Hewlett-Packard survey that men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women apply ..read more