S8 Ep9 feat. Danny V (MSBC Edition)
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
1y ago
Danny V, Executive Producer of the BJ & Migs show (KISW, Seattle) and Morning Show Boot Camp celebrates 10 years since his first MSBC, shares his passion the event, and what to look forward to in 2023. 2022 Episode: https://youtu.be/ItCfyYZMfsI https://www.theradiofam.com/blogs/default-blog/dannyvradiomsbc?_pos=1&_psq=dann&_ss=e&_v=1.0 Connect with Danny: hiimdannyv.com ..read more
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S8 Ep8 feat. Deseree Rose
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
1y ago
Deseree brings her expertise in social media and influencer marketing. Follow Des via Imbue Radio ..read more
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S8 Ep7 feat. BJ Shea
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
1y ago
Connect with BJ: @BJShea on all social platforms Get the BRAIN RULES BY JOHN MEDINA book: https://amzn.to/3O1kwP1 This episode's audio was enhanced with Adobe's FREE Enhanced Speech Tool. Check out Chris Cruise's review here: https://youtu.be/ml7i3l5A_lY This episode's video was mostly edited with the Adobe plug-in, AI video editing tool: Autopod ..read more
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S8 Ep6 feat. Don Anthony (Morning Show Boot Camp)
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
1y ago
Don Anthony, Owner and Founder of Morning Show Boot Camp joins us to talk about the history of this annual conference going on its 35th year ..read more
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S8 Ep5 feat. Holden Riley aka Rome
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
1y ago
Holden Riley aka Rome joins us to talk about how he stays positive and consistent while building his podcast and media brands. Connect with Rome: IG: @GoRomeTV Twitter: @GoRomeTV ..read more
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S8 Ep4 feat. Nina Hajian
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
1y ago
Nina shares her journey of aggressive hustle to make her New Your City dreams come true - to reevaluating what is most important in her life and how to take the next steps in her radio career. Connect with Nina: IG: @NinaOnTheAir ..read more
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S8 Ep1 feat. Kyle King (Full Circle)
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
2y ago
Remember Kyle King from our past episodes?! Here's a fun update that hopefully inspires you. Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/4d_WE7b7P7k Contact Kyle: thekylekingshow.com S1 E2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYhgYflsmE4 https://bit.ly/3J1T5D5 S2 Ep1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3_wh9nCpB0 https://bit.ly/41BLLFK ..read more
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S7 Ep10 feat. Ricki Sanchez
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
2y ago
Ricki demonstrates how friends and a creative outlet are so important during tough times. She's learned to take ownership of her confidence by taking pride in her personality and talents while navigating the radio business ..read more
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S7 Ep9 feat. Kiana
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
2y ago
What started as a passion for Disney and music... radio keeps pulling Kiana back in. She's got goals of being in programming while soaking up everything she can learn along the way. Kiana is our radio future. Contact Kiana ..read more
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S7 Ep8 feat. Tradia McCoy
The Radio Fam Podcast
by The Radio Fam
2y ago
An update with Tradia who is now using her content creator skills at a role with Buzzfeed. Companies outside of radio continue to value skills of creators/radio personalities and actually pay them what they are worth. As a result, the radio industry will keep losing top talent to this competition. Breaking the Ceiling episode: https://youtu.be/Od_CpHRPal8 Contact Tradia: https://www.instagram.com/iamtradia ..read more
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