Gian Kumar Blog
3w ago
Away from loneliness is being alone with one’s thoughts and emotions. Solitude can also represent a positive condition where one discovers freedom, peace and serenity, contrasting with loneliness, characterized by a yearning for companionship and a feeling of seclusion. Many philosophical and spiritual doctrines view solitude as a pathway to deeper insight and growth. They assert that being alone is a fundamental aspect of human existence. Instead of seeking fulfilment externally, genuine wisdom and satisfaction arise from within. For some, solitude offers an opportunity for meditation and in more
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Gian Kumar Blog
3w ago
Nearly five thousand years ago, Yoga began in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization around India. The Rigveda, composed between 3000 and 3500 years ago, is the oldest known text to mention Yoga, describing it as achieving transcendence through regulating thoughts and emotions. A more structured form of Yoga developed at a later period. One of the significant yogic texts available is the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, compiled around the second century BCE. Patanjali’s 196 sutras cover various aspects of yoga practice, including ethical principles, physical postures, breath control, sensory discont more
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Knowledge is Equal to Darkness
Gian Kumar Blog
3w ago
The concept that “knowledge is power” is widely accepted in the digital era. Nevertheless, an opposing view proposes that “knowledge is synonymous with darkness,” questioning traditional perspectives on knowledge. This idea encourages contemplation of the complex interplay between ignorance, enlightenment, and knowledge. Knowledge comprises data, insights, and competencies from learning and lived experiences. It fosters comprehension, illuminates the intellect, and enables individuals and communities. Yet, philosophical and pragmatic arguments validate the comparison of knowledge to darkness more
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Gian Kumar Blog
3w ago
We all play the Game of Life, whether we want to or not. A game played by the Creator, of whom we have no evidence. It is a complex game where the mind and soul clash. Material desires compete with spiritual growth, each pulling in separate directions. As much as our minds urge us to cling to material possessions, the wisdom of saints guides us to expand our perspective beyond the tangible world, asserting there’s a spiritual essence to existence. Unlike transient competitions and pursuits, life unfolds in a profound struggle between the mind’s faculties and the soul’s essence. The mind obstr more
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Gian Kumar Blog
3w ago
A theist is a person who believes in the existence of God and deities without explanation. On the other hand, an atheist denies all religious beliefs of God or gods in any form or gender. A spiritual person is more of an atheist since he does not believe in any religious views or the presence of a God with a name and gender. He relies upon righteous living with good intentions and attitude in an actively calm manner, transcending towards that feeling of selflessness. Thus, a spiritual atheist embraces practices of spirituality without subscribing to beliefs of the supernatural as conventional more
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Spiritual Wholeness: For a Great Life
Gian Kumar Blog
1M ago
In today’s world, portrayed by rapid technological advancements, constant communication, and an uncompromising pursuit of achievement, the quest for completeness often seems unattainable. Nonetheless, the desire for fulfilment and integration in our lives remains a basic human need. To be sound and complete, we must pursue balance and contentment while cultivating inner harmony in all our lives. Achieving a cohesive and well-balanced life involves aligning our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual elements. Here, we explore the path to wholeness in life and how to attain it. Redefining W more
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THE FINAL TRUTH: Our Mind & Reality
Gian Kumar Blog
1M ago
A famous phrase in the Indic scriptures, “Neti, Neti, Neti,” means “Not this, not this, not this.” Whatever the mind perceives is nothing; it is just an appearance revealed by the five senses. Beyond that is who you are—that third eye which can perceive beyond what the senses reveal. You are not the body, mind, or soul—you, as the spirit, are beyond everything. Scientific Reality: Insights from Quantum Mechanics Reality means a state of observation as they are. We measure reality according to what we perceive through our mental conditioning, which is inaccurate as it changes from one person t more
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Consciousness and Mind as Equals
Gian Kumar Blog
2M ago
The relationship between consciousness and mind is a complex and debated topic in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. While some may equate consciousness with the mind, others argue they are distinct concepts. Consciousness generally refers to being aware of and able to perceive one’s surroundings, thoughts, emotions, and experiences. On the other hand, spiritual awareness is the subject or energy force that creates a field of consciousness. As a result, consciousness becomes the objective of the subject of awareness, which, after emerging from the nondual primordial awareness, the mind more
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Essence of the Spirit in Spirituality
Gian Kumar Blog
2M ago
In our relentless pursuit of progress in the material realm, the mysteries of life often remain unexplored. Please note this academic article is more for earnest spiritual seekers and will require multiple readings to grasp the sum and substance. We usually use terms like Spiritualism, Spiritual, Spirit, Spirituality, and Soul as if they mean the same, yet their distinct and independent meaning and understanding still eludes many. It’s crucial to understand that the essence of spiritual-ness lies not in adherence to religious rituals, self-help, unquestioning beliefs, or cultural norms. It is more
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Mastering the Art of Listening
Gian Kumar Blog
2M ago
Listening is an often overlooked yet profoundly impactful skill in the hustle of modern life. In today’s noisy world, it seems everyone is speaking, but few are genuinely listening. What does it mean to “just listen”? It involves more than hearing words; it requires giving someone your undivided attention, free from judgment or interruption. It’s about ensuring the speaker feels acknowledged and understood. The Power of Listening in Modern Life Why is listening so vital? It forms the foundation of all meaningful human connections. By listening, we affirm others’ feelings and experiences, show more
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