Spider Bites
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
2M ago
All spiders produce venom. But three spiders present in New Zealand that bite humans and pets can cause significant harm.   Australian Redback & New Zealand Katipo: These are widow spiders, and the females have a neurotoxic venomous bite. The spiders only occur in some areas (beaches for Katipo, and urban pockets in Auckland, Tauranga, […] The post Spider Bites appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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CatsOne – the day in the life at our cattery
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
2M ago
You may or may not know that here at VetsOne, we have a cattery called ‘CatsOne’.  When cats stay with us, they are treated as the princes and princesses they are, with a full time carer dedicated to looking after their needs, and nurses and vets only a step away. Our specialty is cats that […] The post CatsOne – the day in the life at our cattery appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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BBQs – have a hmmm moment
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
2M ago
Ah summer! the time to drag out the stubbies, our lily white legs, crank up the BBQ and enjoy dining outdoors with the glorious smells of sausages, patties and chops. But, have a hmmm moment as this comes with certain risks to our pets, especially dogs. Larger objects causing intestinal blockage. The main culprits in […] The post BBQs – have a hmmm moment appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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Slip, Slop, Slap – your Pets
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
2M ago
Cat and dogs can develop skin cancer lesions like humans. It is estimated that 450 dogs and 120 cats in 1000 are diagnosed with some form of skin cancer: this makes it the most common type of cancer in dogs and the second most common for cats.  Not all skin cancers are related to sun […] The post Slip, Slop, Slap – your Pets appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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New Product – ‘Magic’ Mushrooms
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
2M ago
Dr Mia Jane has recently undertaken further studies in herbal medicine, specifically the use of functional mushrooms for pets (no not the magic psychedelic kind ?). Their uses are extensive and can include: feline asthma, recovery from illness, allergies, cat flu, pre-boarding immune support and anxiety. We have a number of user friendly products in […] The post New Product – ‘Magic’ Mushrooms appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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Anti-Freeze Poisoning
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
4M ago
Anti-freeze is extremely sweet to the taste for cats and is one of the few poisons that cats drink.  Once ingested this will cause rapid kidney failure and treatment is often ineffective as the damage is so extensive and fast. Anti-freeze is used to stop engines freezing in winter. Fortunately there is not much of […] The post Anti-Freeze Poisoning appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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Dealing with Parasites
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
4M ago
I know we talk about these a lot, but with good reason.  Fleas and internal worms are constantly with us.  Often unseen, but that doesn’t mean they are not impacting your pet, or you. Internal parasites will compete with your pet for the nutrition in their intestines.  As the worms pass through, they can cause […] The post Dealing with Parasites appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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Seasonal Allergies
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
4M ago
Hawke’s Bay is a melting pot of allergens for your pet; Pollen Grass Mould Mites Many of these are seasonal, meaning that they only appear at certain times of the year.  In humans, we respond to allergens (something that creates an allergic reaction within the body in response to it’s presence) with symptoms typical of […] The post Seasonal Allergies appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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Bee Stings
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
4M ago
With the influx of flowers and  blossoms, it seems we always have an influx of bees collecting pollens.  Older and wise pets know these things that look like fun to chase come with a sting in their tail – literally.  But pups in their first year simply see something that is fun to chase.  Avoiding […] The post Bee Stings appeared first on VetsOne ..read more
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Essential Oils – Are they harmful to our pets?
VetsOne Blog
by Sharon Marshall
8M ago
Your aromatherapy kit and diffusers might seem harmless, but they can be poisonous to our pets. Just like chocolate or xylitol (artificial sweetener), oils are generally harmless to humans yet can make pets very sick because their bodies interact differently to them than we do. Cats are particularly sensitive to toxicity because they lack an important enzyme that helps the liver process essential oils. Kittens, older cats, and cats with respiratory or liver issues are particularly at high-risk. While dogs are less vulnerable than cats, essential oils can still cause toxicity in them. If ..read more
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