Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
泥土对于种植确实是个必需品, 但是如何选择正确的泥土呢?可以通过以下几个关键来做决定哦 秘诀一 : 钾 – 瓜果类植物 钾其实是植物生长的必需养分,尤其时瓜果类的植物比如辣椒,茄子,秋葵。 所以种植瓜果类的蔬菜的秘诀就是选择排水好,和含高钾成分的泥土比如Vegimix Soil 。 ?Vegimix :https://babashop.com.my/products/baba-organic-vegimix 秘诀二:泥碳土 – 花卉,香草,盆栽,室内植物 泥碳土的特质包括通水通气上佳,有机质高,有利植物幼根发展。这些特质都会在花树转盆或者换泥后,保障植物存活率,效果也很明显,例如植物容易照顾了,叶子也更青绿了,容易开花结果。如果你也在寻找通水通气上佳的泥土,不妨试试 Super 10。 ?Super 10 : https://babashop.com.my/products/baba-super-10-organic-planting-soil-28-liters 秘诀三: 堆肥 – 叶面类植物 堆肥是一种有机肥料,所含营养物质比较丰富,同时可以使土壤保水、保肥的能力。对于叶面类的植物比如包菜,菜心, 保水和堆肥是泥土需要的秘诀。所以在泥土选择方面,可以选择保水,含堆肥成分的泥土比如Yasa I Soil。 ?Yasa I Soil:https ..read more
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How to grow strong, healthy seedling at home?
Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
★ 如何培育幼苗? How to grow strong, healthy seedling at home?   You will need: Seedling tray/ Small pot Seed Sprayer Seedling soil What to do? 1. Fill up the seedling pots with seedling soil and poke a hole of about half centimeter deep. 2. Small seed (leafy vegetable), put 2-3 seeds in a hole. Large seed (corn), put 1 seed in each hole. 3. Cover the holes with a thin layer of seedling soil. 4. Spray them with water and place at shaded area. 5. Seeds germinated after a day. Place them at shiny area and water once a day. 6. After two weeks, seedling trees will grow 3-4 leaves and it is ready t ..read more
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Grow Leafy Vegetable at Home in Summer!
Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
How to grow leafy vegetables at home in Summer? It's actually quite easy to grow leafy vegetables at home! With just these 4 easy steps, leafy vegetables are ready to grow! Planting beginner also do not have to worry about learning, You can apply this planting tips when planting, as long as it is leafy vegetables!    ☀️You need:   Seedling pot Seedling mix  Vege seeds Fertilizers Pesticides Yasa-i Vege soil Yasa- Vege Tray ?What to do?  Fill up the seedling pots with seedling soil. Use finger gently make a small hole, put in 2-3 seeds and cover with a ..read more
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Get To Know Suitable Fertilizers For Your Plant!
Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
?How to grow vegetables and fruits at home to be plump and nutritious?  Why are the vegetables and fruits I planted aging so fast and I can’t harvest crops continuously? ?Do you know that actually we need to apply different fertilizers at different times. Besides, the use of fertilizers is also very particular, not just grab a handful and spread them randomly. What are the N/ P/ K in the fertilizer stand for? - Nitrogen, N (foliar fertilizer) - Promotes tree growth and adds nutrients for plant growth - Phosphorus, P (flower fertilizer) - Promotes the formation of flower bud ..read more
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5 Tips To Choose Suitable Soil
Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
?What is the suitable soil for my plant?  ?What are the nutrients needed to grow a healthy plant? Tip 1 : Potassium - Melons Types Vegetables   Potassium is an essential nutrient for plant growth, especially for melon types vegetables such as peppers, eggplants, and okra. So the major tip for melons types vegetables is to choose the soil with a good drainage, and with high potassium such as Vegimix Soil. ?Vegimix soil : https://babashop.com.my/products/baba-organic-vegimix Tip 2 : Peat moss - Flowers, Herbs, Potted Plants, Indoor Plants Peat moss is good for ..read more
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Learn to Identify Garden Pests and Deworm Your Garden
Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
Are your plants having these issues?  This might due to they are infested by PEST!?? ?Let's see what are pests existing on your plant. 1. Mealy bug & White flies - White layer pest that create dust and mold on plant. How to get rid of Mealy Bug? Use Mr. Ganick Scale Terminator, an oil-type natural insecticide. Target the pest while spraying till wet thoroughly. Usage instruction: 1. Shake well before spraying on pests or plants 2. Spray on targeted pests until well and fully covered. 3. Spray in the early morning or late evening 4. Do not spray during hot sun 5. Norma ..read more
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How to grow Okra from seed at home?
Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
Okra, also known as lady finger, has high nutritional value. Nutrition and health care functions include gastrointestinal protection, antibacterial, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, and more! How can you not love such nutritious okra? It will teach you how to grow fresh and crispy okra in 1 minute!  ☀️You need:   Seedling tray Seedling mix  Okra seed Fertilizers ?What to do?  Put one okra seed for every single hole and cover the holes with a thin layer of Peat Moss or seedling mix.  Water the seedling mix to ensure it gets enough moist and prevent plants ..read more
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5 Major Tip for Growing Own Cabbage at Home Balcony
Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
Have you ever thinking of growing your own cabbage at home? Not enough space at home to realize your own edible garden at home? Let’s follow us on the following 5 major tip for growing own cabbage at home balcony Tools : 1. Flower Pot (width 30cm; depth 20cm) 2. Seeds 3. Soil 4. Sunlight 5. Fertilizer 6. Water Tip 1 : Choose the F1 seed which suitable for balcony planting Tip 2 : Waiting for Harvesting For normal cabbage maturity days is about 60 days. As there is limited of sunlight at home balcony so it might need longer period of time for cabbage to grows (about 4-5 months). Tip 3: C ..read more
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Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
薰衣草的花语是等待爱情,相信很多女孩子对薰衣草这种植物都情有独钟。有不少花友想要自己尝试一下薰衣草的种植,那么,大家知道种植薰衣草五大要诀吗? 现在就在这里分享给大家 秘诀一: 光照 种在户外最佳,不要太密,要通风,阳光要充足 秘诀二: 水份 浇水时要浇透但不要积水,一般每天早上一次就够,不要太潮湿,否则容易有病害 秘诀三: 施肥 每星期施放一次有机肥,假如是为了吃和泡茶用,施放有机叶面肥就可; 假如是为了要观赏花,就施放开花肥,细心照顾,形成一小片薰衣草田是很好看的喔! 秘诀四: 入菜 假如要剪下薰衣草来泡茶或入菜,最好就是购买没有使用农药的环保薰衣草,记得认明“地球标章”认证喔 秘诀五: 修剪 假如要剪下来泡茶或入菜,叶子及支干从上而下一起修剪(局部或整株,视使用量),最终保留2寸高主干,保留发芽点。   ..read more
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5 Tips Untuk Menyirami Tanaman
Baba Shop Blog
by Baba Shop
2y ago
Kebangyakan Newbie menghadapi masalah tentang menyiram tanaman. Kelebihan atau kekurangan air juga akan menyebabkan tumbuhan mati. Macam mana menyiram tanaman dengan betul?  Ikutilah tips di bawah:  Tip 1 : Jangan tunggu sehingga tanah menjadi terlalu kering Jangan tunggu sehingga tanah menjadi terlalu kering! Ini akan mengakibatkannya menjadi terlalu keras untuk diserapi air. Tip 2 : Air siraman perlu meresapi tanah dan tidak bertakung Bagi tanaman yang ditempatkan di dalam kediaman, sekiranya permukaan tanah terlalu kering dan menjadi keputih-putihan, siramkan sehingga air mer ..read more
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