Zen Words
Zen Words is a self-help blog for the heart and mind: spirituality, mental health, my life, and more! Lessons and Enlightenment for the Mind and Heart. My experiences in life are summarised into bitesize chunks of advice for your betterment.
Zen Words
1y ago
Fee sabillilah
I was reading Qu’ran the other day and when reading I came across the phrase ‘fee sabilillah’. I didn’t know what it meant but it sounded so beautiful that I knew it would have a beautiful meaning too. It means: For the sake of Allah.
It got me thinking a bit about how people talk about loving someone for the sake of Allah. I never quite understood that. I know that everything we do should be for the sake of Allah- but I couldn’t understand how the feeling of love for my husband was me doing so for the sake of Allah? It’s not a feeling that I control, or a feeling that I decide ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
3 lessons that marriage has taught me so far...
Quick disclaimer: I have only been married for 3 weeks so I am absolutely no expert. These points are just things that I have experienced so far in my early journey in marriage. Hopefully they may be able to help and may apply to any kind of relationship, not just romantic ones!
1. Communication is important- but the right kind of communication.
I think this one is really important. There is often a big emphasis on communicating, and how that is one of the keys to a successful relationship. However, there tends to be less of an emphasis on the t ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
Your beauty lies in you.
In a world full of unrealistic standards, it takes a lot of confidence to be you. The pressure to use filters, and get work done is immense. But this unrealistic expectation of what you should look like, to be considered beautiful, is exactly that... unrealistic.
Who set the standard for beauty? Who said that you have to look a certain way to be beautiful?
Fundamentally, we were all created in a state of optimal beauty. We were created by the Shaper of Beauty (Al- Mussawir), and His creation was made in perfect form. However, that beauty differs for each and every per ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
Asking My Husband Questions about Marriage
1. What Is Your Favourite Thing About Being married?
"Being able to go through life with someone by your side- to go through the good and bad together"
2. What Is My Most Annoying Trait?
"Constant crying and crying about nothing"
3. What are your expectations of marriage?
"Growing together, mentally and spiritually "
4. What do you do when you are angry?
"Take a moment to calm down and take a step back, and come back into the situation only when I can explain clearly and calmly what is bothering me"
5. What do you think is the purpose of marriage?
"To ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
Aaliyahs story..
I pray you are all well and are in the best of imaan . Today I want to share something personal with the hope that it will help at least one of you because despite many of you being my family and friends you never truly know what anyone is going through.
So two weeks ago now I had a sudden flare up on my ankle and foot area and I kept telling myself it'll go and go because when I have a flare up I refuse to admit it's there as that's when I start blaming myself ie my eating habits or my stress levels. But adding to what I just said no matter what happens to you like a skin fl ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
It's okay to be confused..
At a certain age it can become quite common for people to ask, what do you want to do? Where do you see your life headed? For me, and a lot of others I assume, we're no longer at the age where we feel we have endless opportunities- and determining our future is so far ahead. For a lot of us, that reality is quickly approaching. It can be anxiety provoking to look to the future and have no idea what direction we want to travel in.
But in those moments of anxiety and confusion its important to remember, that although it may feel like it sometimes, there is not a certa ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
Perfection- a destination we'll never reach.
It can be so easy to fall into always seeking a destination, where every single thing is perfect. A destination where we finally reach happiness; we get the perfect career, the perfect relationship, we become the perfect person. But this perfection that we seek is just not attainable. If perfection becomes our destination- it is somewhere that we will never reach.
Instead, we should look to the path of progress.
I recently listened to a talk about Islam and it was one of the most enlightening and inspiring talks. Click the link here if interested ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
A society so entangled in technology- and we don't even see the problem.
We currently live in a society entangled in technology, our phones and most damagingly- social media. It feels as though we can’t go even 5 minutes without feeling the need to tap on our phones. And this kind of reliance is undoubtedly unhealthy.
It seems that we rely quite heavily on our phones for our everyday lives, and if that’s not bad enough- we allow ourselves to be distracted by them every minute. Even in those moments where we don't actually need to be using them- they're there. We can't go a second without grab ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
An inspirational story about someone's journey within.
Hey there, at some point in our lives most of us question reality and the morals that we have integrated into our lives. Whether those morals were given to us by those who raised us, or taken from the people we chose to surround ourselves with, they sometimes conflict with your inner self, and your heart begins doubting the actions you do that were once normal to you. I experienced this first hand during my time at sixth form, and I desire to share what I learnt from it, in the hopes that it may bring ease to other people who may be going ..read more
Zen Words
2y ago
A short guide for when you just don't know what to do: download below!
Are you someone who’s been struggling a little lately, and need a few tips to help? Or, are you a parent or teacher concerned about a child?
Sometimes we experience changes - ups and downs in our mental health. It can be frightening to experience new negative emotions, with no clue what to do, or who to turn to.
That’s why I have created “Your Worry Buddy”. A short guide for parents and children with 5 simple strategies to help with these strange and scary emotions. Each coping strategy comes with a simple description as w ..read more