God is Everywhere
by ananda92
2M ago
Ananda Vrindavan Devi In our temple room, during the meditation class, a guest was taking photos of his friends with his back to the altar. He was standing, they were sitting, and everyone was distracted watching him instead of trying to meditate. I went up to him and whispered, “Not now during class, and not with your back to the altar.” He responded, “I believe God is everywhere” (therefore I can put my back anywhere).’ To which I responded, “Yes, and He is also there on the altar, so while you are here, a visitor to this Temple, don’t do it!”  It’s true, God and His energies are eve ..read more
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Clean the heart
by ananda92
5M ago
“Glory to the Sri-Krishna-sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are always anxious.” Sri Sri Siksastaka #1 In this first of eight verses, written by Lord Caitanya, we hear of the power of the maha mantra. Just ..read more
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More than a Song
by ananda92
6M ago
Sacinandana Swami I think in the chanting of the Holy Names, we all have to go on a journey. It usually starts by us liking the singing of the Holy names. Who wouldn't like singing? Where I come from we would always sit together in the evening and sing. That is something the pop culture has stolen away from us and has given it to the stars. But we humans are singing beings, we like to come together in a group and sing. So it is maybe on this level where the appreciation of saṅkīrtana starts.  But there's much more to come. As you follow Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s teachings, you will learn ..read more
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Find that deep part in side of you
by ananda92
8M ago
Sacinandana Swami Devotees can be thought of in three categories according to their advancement - conventional, committed and confidential. A very important point is the attitude of these different devotees. The conventional devotee is usually found to ask something of Krsna. One time, I met with such devotees and they said to me, ”O Maharaja we are building a house, but there are many obstacles. We have prayed to Krsna to overcome them, and we want to ask for your blessings as well so we can build the house.” I replied, ”Perhaps you have those obstacles, because you are poor and the house cos ..read more
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Under the hill
by ananda92
9M ago
And so it happens. Life meets us with various storms of intensity - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here are five lessons on how to respond to the challenges of being alive in this material world. It’s from Krishna Book and the story of the Lifting of Govardhan Hill (link here) Storms Happen Not a day goes by without feeling some pain within ourselves or being impacted by the experiences of others. Like bad weather, difficulties will show up. Instead of trying to be invincible we should set realistic expectations. Birth, death, disease and old age are the four basic miseries of life. Th ..read more
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Lessons from A Fall
by ananda92
9M ago
On the scale of things, a small fracture in a small kneecap is minor. But whether minor or major, unexpected interruptions in our life demand attention, on many levels. It was a sunny afternoon when I fell and the damage was immediate. Pain shouts its message, which is a good thing. My body reacted in other ways too, and my emotions. The first was denial. “It’s just badly bruised,” I told the kind shopkeepers who brought ice, even though the swelling was clear and my loud yelps when it moved were clearer. Later scans revealed a fracture and I was set with a brace and instructions to be off my ..read more
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The Essential Things
by ananda92
10M ago
Sacinandana Swami In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Arjuna has the painful task of delivering the message of Kṛṣṇa’s disappearance to Yudhiṣṭhira. In this conversation, Arjuna says, “O King! The Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari, who treated me exactly like an intimate friend, has left me alone. Thus my astounding power, which astonished even the demigods, is no longer with me.” (1.15.5) Śrīla Prabhupāda comments: “The power and energy which were bestowed upon Arjuna were required for fulfillment of the mission of the Lord, but when His mission was fulfilled, the emergency powers were withdrawn from ..read more
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Make SPace
by ananda92
1y ago
Sacinandana Swami As devotees, we have to be careful. The new year will bring a lot of busyness into our lives, like the years before. Have you noticed that life isn’t becoming more peaceful and less busy, it seems to get faster and faster? We live in a very fast-paced society. Maybe this is the heavy price we have to pay in Kali-yuga: being more and more dedicated to activity on the outside. And we miss Krishna. We surround ourselves with people and projects and lack the direct feeling of Krishna’s presence. But without Krishna, our life is like a meal without salt, tasteless. It’s not even l ..read more
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Sugar Candy
by ananda92
1y ago
“The holy name, character, pastimes and activities of Krsna are all transcendentally sweet like sugar candy. Although the tongue of one afflicted by the jaundice of avidya [ignorance] cannot taste anything sweet, it is wonderful that simply by carefully chanting these sweet names every day, a natural relish awakens within his tongue, and his disease is gradually destroyed at the root.” Nectar of Instruction, Verse 7 This most important verse about the key practice of mantra meditation in Krishna Bhakti is a keeper. It reminds us that we are not well. Our human condition is likened to jaundice ..read more
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Listen Again
by ananda92
1y ago
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Listen again, O mighty-armed Arjuna. Because you are My dear friend, for your benefit I shall speak to you further, giving knowledge that is better than what I have already explained." Bhagavad-gita 10.1 My verse of the week is from Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. “Listen again,” Krishna says. It’s a beautiful thing, this listening, this calling one closer. Come, He says, I have something even better to tell you. To listen to Krishna is one of the most important and influential things we can do with our time. He will reveal everything if we l ..read more
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