Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
The Official Audiobook Page for Foreign Languages Press, a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Publishing House.
Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
2M ago
Material Is A Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Journal For Contending Schools Of Revolutionary Thought
Articles Included In Part 3:
00:00 Advance And Retreat: Sinn Fein And The "Compradorification" Of The Revolutionary Party - Owain Rhys Phillips
41:15 From The Archives: Excerpts From The Second Congress
1:22:44 Lenin And The War : Part 2 - T. Derbent
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Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
2M ago
Material Is A Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Journal For Contending Schools Of Revolutionary Thought
Articles Included In Part 2:
00:00 "An Incurable Disease Called Hope": An Interview With Abdaljawad Omar - Part 2
56:14 The Working Of The Neo-Colonial Mind & Evading The Neo-Colonial Trap - K. Murali (Ajith)
1:41:28 The Universe As Vast As Our Longings - Benjanun Sriduangkaew
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Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
2M ago
Material Is A Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Journal For Contending Schools Of Revolutionary Thought
Articles included in Part 1:
00:00 Editor's Note
04:53 The Immanent Garrison: Settlerism As Institutionalized Ideology - Joshua Moufawad-Paul
1:23:20 Position Of Innocence: Initial Thoughts On Settler Ideology And Victimhood In Canada - Alexandra Lepine
1:57:03 Kizilirmak - Hasan Huseyin Korkmazgil
1:58:47 "An Incurable Disease Called Hope": An Interview With Abdaljawad Omar - Part 1
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Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
2M ago
The essay included in part 1 is: Philippine Society and Revolution --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/foreign-languages-press/support ..read more
Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
5M ago
Material is a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist journal for contending schools of revolutionary thought
00:00 Editor’s Note
09:47 Against Dogmatism, Against Historical Fetishism - Omar Dekhili
1:01:14 Fed Up - W. Muncer
1:02:17 The Marxist Framework and Attitude on Social Investigation and Class Analysis - Dani Manibat
1:59:22 A Dialectical Approach to Inner-Party Unity - Mao Zedong
2:05:32 Notes for a Critique of Dimitrov, the Orthodox Line on Fascism, and the Popular Front Strategy - D.Z. Shaw
3:02:37 For the Trees - Jamesie Fournier
3:03:43 Lenin and the War: Part 1 - T. Derbent
3:48:37 Naxalbari Ch ..read more
Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
7M ago
This text analyzes the claims of Bob Avakian’s “New Synthesis,” the line of the RCP-USA party and its cultish degeneration. Against Avakianism is a powerful and systematic debunking of the idea promoted by Avakian that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is outdated. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/foreign-languages-press/support ..read more
Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
8M ago
“Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism", by Lenin, describes the function of financial capital in generating profits from imperial colonialism, as the final stage of capitalist development to ensure greater profits. The essay is a synthesis of Lenin's modifications and developments of economic theories that Karl Marx formulated in "Das Kapital" --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/foreign-languages-press/support ..read more
Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
9M ago
This short anthology comprises Mao’s key essays on organization and mass line, including “On Correcting Mistaken Ideas in the Party”, “Combat Liberalism”, and “Rectify the Party’s Style of Work”, which offer ideological and theoretical insight and analysis into the complexities of organizational structures and practices. This collection addresses critical issues such as combatting bourgeois ideas, opposing bureaucracy, and adhering to the discipline of mass line. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/foreign-languages-press/support ..read more
Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
1y ago
In imperialist countries like the US, many oppose capitalism and are engaged in the struggle against its countless injustices. Far fewer are engaged with the intention and determination not only to win the protracted struggle, but to prepare ourselves in a systematic way for what we will need to construct in its place. Released as a pamphlet in the early 1970’s, Education To Govern is the result of James Boggs and the Advocators and the All-African People Union to attempt to map out a plan in education to develop our capacity to govern ourselves - not for the bourgeoisie, but for the people ..read more
Foreign Languages Press - Audiobooks
1y ago
Written in the 1970s by San Francisco Bay Area activist Vicki Legion, “Constructive Criticism” is an accessible resource for people who want to understand and implement the practice of criticism and self-criticism. The handbook is written with exercises and concrete examples, taking the reader through the process to internalize this critical practice in a step-by-step fashion. As Legion says, “A new generation of activists is discovering the joys and challenges of working with other people to build a movement; this classic little book can help.” --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spo ..read more