An Advent Journey with Sonlight
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
2M ago
For Advent, journey along with Sonlight in a beautiful, ready to go unit study of Jotham's Journey. The post An Advent Journey with Sonlight first appeared on My Little Robins more
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Why the Science of Reading Doesn’t Apply to Homeschoolers
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
5M ago
Recently,  I posted about this topic on Instagram and it garnered a lot of positive responses and a few negative ones. It's such a good conversation to start that I wanted to share it here as well. The "science of reading" is the collective body of research that says that hard and fast phonics isRead More The post Why the Science of Reading Doesn’t Apply to Homeschoolers first appeared on My Little Robins more
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Crafting a Vintage Summer Schedule For Your Children
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
6M ago
Is there a more precious time to be a child than in the summer? Swimming, lemonade stands, running around barefoot...many of the beautiful memories of childhood will be crafted during the summer months. On the downside, though, not every child thrives with an abundance of unstructured time, and that is where my family finds itselfRead More The post Crafting a Vintage Summer Schedule For Your Children first appeared on My Little Robins more
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Summer Reading Challenge For Moms
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
7M ago
I spend a lot of time reading, searching for, and talking about books, so I wanted to create a summer reading plan for moms to spread the inspiration! It doesn't matter if you read a dozen books in a month or in a year, this challenge is self-paced, filled with summertime reads, and varies inRead More The post Summer Reading Challenge For Moms first appeared on My Little Robins. The post Summer Reading Challenge For Moms appeared first on My Little Robins more
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Everything You Need for those Pesky Science Experiments
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
7M ago
Over the past few years, we have struggled to find a science curriculum that really clicks for us. Some have involved classic literature that was just not engaging, and had absolutely zero hands-on science experiments. Then we tried another curriculum that had plenty of hands-on aspects, but rounding up all the materials was difficult. Plus,Read More The post Everything You Need for those Pesky Science Experiments appeared first on My Little Robins more
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Make Room For Lent With Sonlight
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
7M ago
Every year, weeks before Advent begins, I start seeing people share what they'll do in their homeschools to prepare for the joyous season. Almost every post I see on Instagram from November 1st to January 1st involves red and green. Then, a few months later, Lent rolls around. Instead of months of prep, Lent oftenRead More The post Make Room For Lent With Sonlight appeared first on My Little Robins more
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Replacing Resolutions With Habits
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
7M ago
We are almost through January, and you've probably already made some resolutions (or maybe you haven't, like me)! It's amazing how this tradition has stuck around, even though it has historically been unsuccessful. According to recent survey data from Forbes, 64% of women feel that they're pressured to make New Year's Resolutions. 80% of peopleRead More The post Replacing Resolutions With Habits appeared first on My Little Robins more
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The 10 Best Books I Read In 2023
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
7M ago
This year, I set a big reading goal and I hit it! That is really exciting, as I finally feel like I can read more now that my children are a little older. The best books I read this year were in a variety of genres, and some have been around for quite some time.Read More The post The 10 Best Books I Read In 2023 appeared first on My Little Robins more
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Forbrain Headset for Special Needs Homeschooling
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
7M ago
If you are homeschooling a special needs child, your homeschool probably looks a little unconventional. Unique children, unique  homeschools! In our special needs homeschool, we constantly confront new problems with creative solutions. Since we've been struggling with reading, a handy little gadget is making a big difference.  Recently, we added the Forbrain headset into ourRead More The post Forbrain Headset for Special Needs Homeschooling appeared first on My Little Robins more
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DIY Colorful Pumpkin Seeds for Sensory Play
My Little Robins Blog
by Leahbmartin
7M ago
Colorful pumpkin seeds are a really fun way to milk every ounce of educative value out of your fall pumpkins! This year, I attempted this for the second time, and it worked amazingly well. The last time I tried it, I used food coloring, and the seeds were spotty and not very vibrant. I hadRead More The post DIY Colorful Pumpkin Seeds for Sensory Play appeared first on My Little Robins more
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