Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 399
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1y ago
3 Hún 三魂 Part 3 Shuǎng Líng 爽靈 is  Ren Hun 人魂 – Person Hún and it represents our nature, attitude and it wisdom. If our Shuǎng Líng is good, we will be wise, smart and talented. The third Hun is called Yōu Jīng 幽精. Yōu 幽 means spirit or ghost. Jīng 精 means essence and sexual energy, like in Jīng Qì Shén 精氣神. It is the De Hún 地魂 – Earth Hún and it stays in the grave or on the earth of our ashes are scattered. If someone dies but did not want to leave the earth, it becomes a ghost. Some people can see the Yōu Jīng which is like seeing ghosts. In traditional Chinese Daoism and Buddhism more
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Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 398
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1y ago
3 Hún 三魂 Part 2 Tiān Hún 天魂 – Heaven Hún is called Tāi Guāng 胎光, Tāi胎 means a baby inside the womb, it is embryo, Guāng 光 means light. Tai Guang means Embryo Light. This is the most important Hún as it relates to the baby and the mother’s womb energy. Hún is spirit, all three Hún are about spirit. Tāi Guāng is spiritual energy that relates to all the senses and feelings and it is the spirit that makes a person. It is Yang, positive and makes a person with a good heart and someone who does the right things, avoid negative thinking and be aware of the negative thinking around us. So it guides u more
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Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 397
Tse Qigong Centre
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1y ago
Three Hún 三魂 Part 1 Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic黃帝內經 says: “Xuèqì yǐ hé, yíng wèi yǐ tōng, wǔcáng yǐ chéng, shénqì shě xīn, húnpò bì jù, nǎi chéngwéi rén 血氣已和,營衛已通,五藏已成,神氣舍心,魂魄畢具,乃成為人 – Qì and blood are there, Róng Qì 荣氣 (the Qì that runs through the Jīng Luò 經絡 – channels) and Wèi Qì 衛氣 (the Qì that runs outside the skin) is smooth, five internal organs are formed. The spirit is the mind, Hún魂 and Pò魄 are there – this is a human being.” So, when a baby is in its mother’s womb, if the blood and Qì are formed, the internal Qì which is Róng Qì and the external Qì which is Wèi Qì are formed, t more
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Grandmsater Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 396
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1y ago
Qìgōng and the Cycle of Life – Part 6 Once we are over 60 we are approaching 80, 90 and 100 years old. If we practise Qìgōng 氣功 regularly and listen to our body then we should be in quite good condition. How long can we live? When we practise Qìgōng regularly, listen to our body and maintain a good state of mind, then we can let our body find our own natural end. If it is meant to be 60 then it will be 60 if it is meant to be 70 then 70. It is all based on our prenatal energy, which comes from our parents and our genetics. Our postnatal energy depends on how well we take care of our bodies an more
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Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 395
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1y ago
Qìgōng and the Cycle of Life – Part 5 Regular Qìgōng 氣功 practise is important. Generally, you should practise twice a day, in the daytime and the evening. On days when I am not teaching, I will practise four times a day. Many people think we need to practise four hours and hours, but they do not understand the body and the Qi. We practise Qìgōng to make us healthy and that is the only reason. The result we get shows the answer. Every time we practise, we do so until we feel good enough and then we should stop.  Then we can wait until later, when we start to feel tried and then we can pra more
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Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 394
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1y ago
Qìgōng and the Cycle of Life – Part 4 If we have been practising Qìgōng 氣功 regularly, when we reach 50 to 60 years old, we will quite fit, have enough energy and still look good. We will feel the same as we did when we were between 30 and 40, however, we will feel better than many other people of the same age. Most of us will not need to see a doctor which means we are still healthy, we can exercise, eat well, sleep well and are still in good condition. All this because our Qìgōng has kept our energy strong. If we do start to feel tired, we will go out to practise instead of just resting. Bef more
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Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 393
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1y ago
Qìgōng and the Cycle of Life – Part 3 Qìgōng 氣功 movements are like washing clothes. When we wash clothes by hand, we rub them, shake them and mix them with the water and soap to get the dirt out of the clothes. When we practise Qìgōng our movements can be shaking, turning, going up, going down, going left, going right, in fact all kinds of movement. These movements are cleaning the body, but using a natural way, from nature and the air. Our body need to relax, have a good posture, move from the waist, connect and use the acupuncture points, Jīng luò 經絡 – Channels and move from the inside to t more
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Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 392
Tse Qigong Centre
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1y ago
Qigong and the Cycle of Life – Part 2 When we reach 30 to 40 years old, we are mature, but find we do not have enough energy, and this is normal. However, if we are between 20 and 30s and feel tired and weaker than other people, then it means our lifestyle is using too much energy, or we were born with a weakness. No matter what the reason is, we need more energy. Nature is always giving energy to us, only we might not be able to receive it or maximise what is it is giving us. Nature gives us energy from the sky, earth and our surrounding environment. As along as we know how to get this energ more
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Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 391
Tse Qigong Centre
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1y ago
Qigong and the Cycle of Life – Part 1 There is one thing that makes us all the same. We all go through the cycle of life, we begin when we are born, we grow, become mature, weaken, become sick and then die. Everyone must go through this with no exceptions. Today people live much longer, and many reach their 80s, 90s and even over 100 years old. This is good and is because of all the modern medicines, food and technology. However, although people reach these great ages, they are not healthy, which means they cannot do much and rely on other people looking after them. When we are young children more
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Grandmaster Tse’s Qìgōng Dāo 氣功道 390
Tse Qigong Centre
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1y ago
Five Elements People – Part 6 Following the principle of the Wǔxíng 五行 – Five Elements, if you are a Wood element person, then you will like a person who is the Water element as Water supports Wood. On the other hand, you will not get on with someone who is Metal as Metal cuts Wood. You will also find that you will use energy when you with Fire person and this is because Wood creates Fire. This principle is true for people all elements. Whatever element you are you will find some people will help you, some will take care and support you, and some you will get on with very well. Also there wil more
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