NursingHome411 Podcast
The Long Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of care, quality of life, and dignity for elderly and disabled people in nursing homes, assisted living, and other residential settings.
NursingHome411 Podcast
1y ago
Please subscribe to LTCCC's Youtube Channel :) https://www.youtube.com/@LongTermCareCommunityCoalition/ LTCCC’s Executive Director Richard Mollot on the difference between practical vs. practicable well-being, ombudsmen vs. surveyors, the letters (A through L) in the nursing home scope and surveyor grid, and harm vs. no-harm. Interview recorded February 10, 2023 and edited for clarity. Background reading and ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
When families and friends of nursing home residents join together, they can be a powerful force for improving care and ensuring dignity. That’s why we at LTCCC have launched a Family Empowerment program dedicated to empowering families and building family councils.
In our monthly Family Empower Half Hour, we cover essential topics to help family members better advocate for their loved ones. In this recording, you’ll hear our March program where our Family Empowerment Team – Jenine Ferrari and Gloria Murray – is joined by New York State Ombudsman Claudette Royal to answer questions from famili ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
Lindsay Heckler (Center for Elder Law & Justice) on all things transfer and discharge: when they’re legal, when they’re illegal, and how to promote safe outcomes for residents. We also get into the role of ombudsmen, payment discrimination, personal needs allowance (it’s only $50 per month in NY!), hockey, and more.
Interview recorded October 13, 2022 and edited for clarity.
Background reading and references:
Lindsay’s bio.
Lindsay presented on transfer and discharge at the NY LTCOP Conference.
LTCCC fact sheet on NY discharges.
CELJ’s nursing home transfer and discharge guide
CELJ’s Eld ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
The Long Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC) celebrated 30 years of advocacy with a virtual town hall, “Where Do We Go From Here in Long Term Care?”, featuring a diverse panel discussion about the future of nursing homes with: Honorable Richard N. Gottfried (Chair, NYS Assembly Health Committee); Marcella Goheen (Family Member); Judy Johnson (RN, Rutland Nursing Home); and Cathy Unsino (LCSW, Advocate for Nursing Home Transformation).
Moderators: Deborah Truhowsky (The Law Firm of D.F. Truhowsky, LTCCC Board President); Richard Mollot, LTCCC Executive Director.
Video of the program is avail ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
For video and other materials from this program, visit https://nursinghome411.org/webinar-hidden-profits/.
Note: This program was recorded on September 21st , 2021 ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
On this Giving Tuesday, please support LTCCC’s advocacy by visiting https://nursinghome411.org/donate.
This episode is a recording of LTCCC’s 12th annual reception. Event Honoree: NYS AG Letitia James (6:59). Musical Performance: Singer-songwriter and guitarist Bridget St. John (11:28). Keynote speaker: Carmen Bowman, founder of Edu-Catering (22:50).
For video and slides, visit https://nursinghome411.org/reception-12/.
Moderated by Deborah Truhowsky (President, LTCCC Board of Directors) & Richard Mollot (Executive Director, LTCCC ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
The 2020 U.S. presidential election is fast approaching, but many long-term care residents, cut off from the outside world, may not get a vote. Professor Nina Kohn joins the show to discuss voting barriers in long-term care settings and explain why it’s imperative that residents’ voting rights are protected in this election. Kohn — a David M. Levy Professor of Law at Syracuse University and Solomon Center Distinguished Elder Law Scholar at Yale University — also offers a few tips for families, ombudsmen, and advocates to help residents vote.
Interview recorded August 27, 2020.
Note: LTCCC is ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
Note: The following is a replay of an episode from April 2020 (recorded February 2020), featuring Gloria Murray, ombudsman program director for the Hudson Valley in New York state. We’re posting this episode ahead of a special online ombudsman town hall on Thursday, June 17. Register for the program at bit.ly/bestombuds. Submit a question beforehand for a chance to win a gift card: bit.ly/askombuds.
Gloria Murray, ombudsman program director with LTCCC, talks about the role of ombudsmen as mediators and advocates for long-term care residents. Murray also discusses the challenges facing ombudsm ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
On this episode, research scientist and vaccine guru, Beth Nivin, MPH, chats about her experiences speaking with nursing home staff about COVID-19 vaccines as a consultant for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Beth also provides an update on the latest research and data on vaccine efficacy and the Delta variant.
Interview recorded September 9, 2021 and edited for clarity.
Beth spoke about vaccine safety and efficacy back in January on the NursingHome411 Podcast and also presented at an LTCCC webinar.
The New York State DOH provides resident and staff vaccination data ..read more
NursingHome411 Podcast
2y ago
Tena Alonzo, dementia care expert, presents on strategies to reduce reliance on antipsychotics for people living with dementia at LTCCC’s June webinar. For video and other materials from this program, visit nursinghome411.org/webinar-comfort-matters/.
Note: This program was recorded on June 15th, 2021 ..read more