Oos Yadi Blog
Alaskan Wildlings is a cloth diaper and baby gear brand that seeks to create a sustainable future through living a HA AANI lifestyle. Alaskan Wildlings is owned and operated by Ali a Tlingit Alaskan native woman. Alaskan Wildlings was created to provide a supportive community and healthier option when it came to diapering your little one.
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
Cloth diapering requires a lot of pieces, whether you use covers, pockets, or all-in-ones. Between bulky diapers, cloth wipes, pods, and wet bags, your diaper bag fills up fast! And, this is not even including all the regular diaper bag essentials like extra outfits, bottles, bibs, burp cloths, sunscreen, and everything else.
For this reason, finding a diaper bag that fits your cloth diapering lifestyle can be difficult. You have different needs and more supplies! Your experience on a public changing station is much different from that of your disposable diapering friends. So, today, we ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
The ability to reuse your diapers for multiple little wildlings is one of the best parts of cloth diapering. You save money on the first child you cloth diaper. But, where you really save is that second kid! For this reason, safely storing cloth diapers between children is a big deal.
Your cloth diapers were an investment. This means you need to care for them and store them like priceless commodities. The last thing you want is to pull out your cloth diapers after a couple years and find the PUL cracked and your inserts moldy. So, today we’re going to teach you how to store cloth diaper ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
Babywearing is one of the best things you can do for your baby. It’s been something crunchy moms have done for ages, but in the last few years, it’s become totally mainstream. This is great news, because moms everywhere are learning the benefits of this timeless practice. But, what is babywearing and why should you do it? Here’s our breakdown:
Why Should You Babywear?
Babywearing has some serious benefits for you and your baby. Studies have shown that babies who are carried for a least 3 hours a day cry less often. They cry 43% less during the day and 51% less during the night. WOW. That ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
Making the choice to cloth diaper is easy on the environment and easy on your wallet. Plus, all those cute prints are easy on the eyes! But, there are other factors that make cloth diapering seem impractical or even impossible. One of those concerns might be the fact you don't have a washing machine!
Well, have no fear. You can totally cloth diaper without a washing machine! In fact, people did it for hundreds of years. And, moms all around the world cloth diaper daily without access to a machine or even running water. Recently, even, our own water pump went out at the house, a ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
We get a lot of inquiries about where we source the gorgeous art for our products. The answer is we source from several small stay at home mom graphic designers, such as The Occult Godess, Just peachy designs, Me oh My designs, as well as Brittany frost designs, and tatracottage designs. However we have recently moved towards commissioning exclusive pieces of art, working closely with two really talented and kind mama artists.
we asked our sweet artists a few questions to get to know them better.
Gracie Marsh of two & moon designs
* Where are you from? I was born in ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
One challenge of cloth diapering is storage. When you use disposable diapers, it’s easy to shove a small package of diapers in your bag and toss each one out when it’s soiled. But, when you cloth diaper, you need a place for clean diapers and soiled diapers. Pouches for disposables just don’t work for cloth diapers since they’re an entirely different shape.
To solve this problem, wetbags and pods were born! They're some of the best cloth diapering tools out there, but what are they exactly? What’s the difference between them? What are they used for? Are they mandatory for successful clo ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
Cloth Diapers Leaking? Here’s Why
If you are a modern mom that’s decided to make the switch to cloth diapers, you’re not alone. Not only are cloth diapers great for the environment, but they’re great for your family. They’re cheaper, cuter, and even work better! It’s true. The customizable nature of cloth diapers and the firm elastics keep in poo and pee much better than the disposable alternative.
If you’re reading this article, though, you might be thinking, “But, my cloth diapers keep leaking!” You might even be ready to throw in the towel. Don’t go that far just yet, because all of ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
Even with the perfect wash routine and good hygiene practices, your baby will still get diaper rash from time-to-time. Hopefully you don’t encounter this persistently, and if you do, definitely contact your doctor. But for regular diaper rash, using diaper cream is a great solution and preventive tool.
But many diaper creams utilize petroleum jelly, which isn’t safe for synthetic fiber cloth diapers. The jelly sticks to the diaper's fabric and repels liquid instead of absorbs it. However, this moisture barrier is what keeps your little wildling dry, comfortable, and rash free. So, what’s ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
Cloth diapers have a special affinity for stains for obvious reasons. Meconium, blueberries, food dyes, diaper cream—there are lots of foods that cause staining on cloth diapers. Now, these stains won’t hinder the effectiveness of your diapers, but they are unsightly! And, they could lower the resale value.
Luckily, there are lots of ways to remove stains from cloth diapers. It’s not as difficult as it may seem! Here are a few cloth diaper stain removers to help you lift out those stains with as few headaches as possible:
How to Get Stains Out of Cloth Diapers OxiClean
OxiClean comes i ..read more
Oos Yadi Blog
2y ago
You’re expecting—congratulations! This is such an exciting time. You might be feeling like you have a million things to do right now. Or, you might be feeling like there’s nothing to do but wait. You might even be thinking both thoughts at the same time! One item you can tackle no matter where you are in your pregnancy, though, is your registry.
But, if you’ve decided to cloth diaper, knowing how to add diapers and supplies to your registry can be difficult. Since cloth diapering hasn’t quite hit the mainstream, getting cloth diapers on your registry tastefully can be a challenge. Luckily, we ..read more