Are Orca Serial Killers of the Sea?
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
Orca are one of the world’s most beloved and awe-inspiring creatures. Also called killer whales and wolves of the sea, Orca aren’t whales at all. They’re porpoises, the largest members of the dolphin family. While they’re often feared for their size and power, Orca can also be quite gentle. Some of their behaviors, such as rubbing their bellies together, have even been described as kissing. So, why would some researchers compare them to serial killers? Hold that thought a moment. Orca Orca are easily recognizable by their black and white coloring and iconic dorsal fin, typically weigh between more
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Is a Young Child Serial Killer Born Bad?
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
While researching cases for Pretty Evil New England, I stumbled across the bizarre case of America’s youngest male serial killer. Later, I searched for a female child serial killer and found an even younger girl. Below are my top two stories, one male, one female. Male Child Serial Killer (Deemed as America’s Youngest Serial Killer) From 1871-1872, reports of missing children flooded the South Boston Police Department in Massachusetts. Mothers feared the worst. Fathers suffered in silence. On December 22, 1871, a 12-year-old boy lured the tiny son of Mrs. Paine of Chelsea to Powder Horn Hill more
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Behind-the-Scenes of HALOED
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
While drafting my new psychological thriller, HALOED, I was teaching a serial killer course. To prepare for week three I dove deep into the mind, motivation, and crimes of Israel Keyes. I’d drawn a firm line between the two projects until Ah-ha! Moment slapped me across the face. Even though the finish line for HALOED was within reach, I couldn’t ignore the new idea. It’s a game-changer, and the perfect way to round out the series as a whole. It also required me to go back to page one, drop in a few new clues, and include POV chapters from the killer. I don’t know if you’re familiar with more
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True Crime Story: A Bizarre Coincidence
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
Woonsocket, Rhode Island is 8.6 square miles. Keep the size in mind while I share this crazy true crime story. Locals enjoy a close-knit community, but the town also has a dark side. And it’s in this crime-fueled section of Woonsocket that a bizarre string of crimes took place. In the early morning hours of March 2, 2003, EMS received a flurry of phone calls about a naked woman prone in the street—severely beaten but alive—in the mill district. Paramedics transported Jane Smith (not an alias) to the hospital. When detectives arrived at Jane’s bedside, she told a harrowing tale of walking in th more
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Can Graphologists ID Serial Killers’ Handwriting?
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
Graphologists claim handwriting is strongly linked to various personality traits, and serial killers may reveal their murderous side within their written words. Handwriting analysis is a tedious and methodical process that relies on extensive knowledge of the way people form letters, which characteristics of letter formation are unique, and the physiological processes behind writing—how someone’s fine-motor skills affect their handwriting and leave clues to the author’s identity. The primary basis of handwriting analysis as a science is that every person in the world has a unique way of writin more
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Writing Tips, Book Events, and Writers Conference
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
Today’s post is a mash-up of writing tips, coaching, and virtual opportunities. Bear with me, and you’ll see how it’s all related. Writing Tips Have you ever received a text from a family member or close friend and knew something was wrong even though the words indicated the opposite? I’ll show you what I mean with a real-life example. The Kid planned to drive up to deliver ducks to the couple who lives at the top of our mountain, off-the-grid in a year-round camp surrounded by tall pines, oak, birch, and maple trees. By 10 a.m. that morning, we still hadn’t heard from The Kid, which is unusua more
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Why FBI Profilers Mistake Writers for Serial Killers
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
You might be surprised by how many traits writers share with serial killers. FBI profilers have actually profiled a subject only to discover s/he’s not a killer. S/he’s a writer. Here’s why a profiler might mistake writers for serial killers. We work alone. Writers spend hours alone, plotting and planning the perfect demise. We let the fantasy build until we find an ideal murder method to fit our plot, and a spark ignites our creativity. We’re giddy with excitement and can’t wait to swan-dive into our story. Serial killers also spend hours alone, plotting and planning the perfect demise. They more
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Early Life of Edmund Kemper
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
The crimes of Edmund Kemper have been well-publicized for years — the hit Netflix series Mindhunter even focuses on Kemper — but the story of what led him to take the plunge into serial killing is just as chilling. Maybe more so. Before I share this tale, if you’re at all squeamish you may want to skim this post. It’s intriguing from a psychological viewpoint, but I realize not everyone shares my enthusiasm fascination for with serial killers. Ready? Cool. Let’s do this. Bouncing Baby Boy Born in Burbank, California on December 18, 1948 (unbeknownst to us, Bob and I married on Ed Kemper’s birt more
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I Am Mayhem Excerpt [Video]
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
With so many venues going virtual these days, online book signings are becoming more and more popular. So, to celebrate the release of I AM MAYHEM (yay!) I created a video excerpt for you. Enjoy! What is I AM MAYHEM about? As bloody, severed body parts show up on her doorstep, Shawnee Daniels must stop the serial killer who wants her dead before she becomes the next victim. But can she solve his cryptic clues before it’s too late? Or will she be the next to die a slow, agonizing death? With crows stalking her every move, Shawnee can barely function. Things worsen when body parts show up on her more
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Serial Killers by State, 2020 Edition
Sue Coletta » Serial Killers
by Sue Coletta
2y ago
The general public believes they could spot a multiple murderer on sight, but that’s a dangerous misconception. Male and female serial killers walk among us. One look at serial killers by state tells us that. They shop at our grocery stores, attend our churches/synagogues, and mingle with neighbors, co-workers, and friends — and all without raising suspicions. They’ve mastered the art of deflection. Human nature fools us into thinking others who behave like us are like us. Social media claims you and I will walk past 36 murderers in our lifetime. Some researchers claim the number is close more
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