Yogi the Bengal Blog
YogiTheBengal.com was born to share Yogi's experiences as an adventure cat and our life with him. Bengal cats rule, but they are not for everyone and require someone with dedication and the time to invest in their development and well-being. We will review the products we use and will give our unbias opinion to other cat guardians. Yogi's Tips are things we learned and want to share..
Yogi the Bengal Blog
2y ago
How I became an Adventure Cat! is the real-life story of our favorite feline friend, Yogi the Bengal, based on actual interactions with the public and his training. Read along as Yogi explores his favorite places around the Boston area and learns to deal with the public, including a mean dog!
How I became an Adventure Cat! is available worldwide in hardcover, paperback, and as a digital book; it’s also free to read with Amazon Kindle Unlimited.
The post How I became an Adventure Cat! appeared first on Yogi the Bengal ..read more
Yogi the Bengal Blog
2y ago
The Jerk-Ease shock-absorbing leash attachment review is for anyone who walks an animal and has experienced when it pulls and jumps on the leash, which can be problematic because it can injure both parties. For instance, a feline neck is delicate, and the joints of those walking larger animals, such as dogs. The Jerk-Ease is a shock-absorbing leash attachment designed to address this issue.
When I started leash training Yogi, it was a learning experience for both of us. Although I have had many cats in my lifetime, I have never walked one on a leash before. Yogi walks, runs, jumps, and pounc ..read more
Yogi the Bengal Blog
2y ago
Preparing for the arrival of a new cat or kitten is an exciting time; one has to equip the felines basecamp, there are many items to purchase, things to learn, and litter box tips are always helpful.
The second most common reason people surrender their cats is behavioral issues, including excreating outside the litterbox. The litterbox is a sensitive area for the animal; it’s a significant scent-soaker, and felines use urine to mark their territory. A cat’s sense of smell is 14 times better than humans. Can you imagine being subjected to sharing a bathroom with another if your sense of smell ..read more
Yogi the Bengal Blog
2y ago
For those new to the adventure cat world, choosing the best cat backpack in the plethora of options is not easy. If not days or weeks, one can spend hours googling the possibilities, looking for the product that meets their cat’s safety needs, while addressing their comfort and storage concerns. I found that many of the options online look similar, the pictures of the products do not show where you want to see, and some of the product reviews on Amazon are more than questionable.
When I searched for Yogi’s cat backpack, his safety and security were primary concerns because he has unzipped and ..read more
Yogi the Bengal Blog
2y ago
Yogi the Bengal is an adventure cat from Boston, Massachusetts. You may have met him exploring a nature reserve or conservation area or perhaps out in the city. The people we meet have many questions about Yogi, his breed and habits, and, most importantly, him. We created YogiTheBengal.com to answer those questions and to give you a glimpse into his life.
Can you believe the US pet industry is estimated to be 99 Billion dollars for 2020? It’s beautiful to witness pets going from being personal possessions to family members. Many of you reading this article will agree the four-legged one(s) in ..read more