As the only trade association dedicated to the printing and graphic communications industries, PINE delivers top-quality member resources throughout the New England region with a personalized and local touch. Printing Industries of New England (PINE) has successfully served the printing and graphic communications industries for over 130 years. Find all the latest news coverage along with..
1M ago
The First Question: What Do I Want? Setting Goals for a Successful 2025 in the Print Industry By Kelly Mallozzi, Success In Print, published in PINE Magazine, January 2025 I want to give credit where credit is due. This incredibly important question came out of a Girls Who Print event and the amazing productivity [...]
The post Setting Goals for a Successful 2025 in the Print Industry appeared first on PINE ..read more
2M ago
Annual Meeting Recap by Christine Hagopian, President Last night, the PINE Board of Directors, staff, Members, and Non-Members gathered for the Annual Meeting to recap the year, learn more about partners and services offered, and to celebrate New England’s print community. Prior to the start of the meeting, I was pleased to acknowledge two [...]
The post 2024 Annual Meeting Recap appeared first on PINE ..read more
1y ago
Reciprocal Accountability: The Foundation of Trust and Growth
Accountability was a word that was a main focus of the PINE Annual meeting recently.
Dr. Kent Wessinger asserted that empowering each member of the team was critical to an organization’s success.
He went so far as to say that it was a crucial step that leaders must take in order to engage, attract and retain a younger workforce. So what is “reciprocal accountability, anyway?
Reciprocal accountability is a multi-faceted approach to ensure that individuals, organizations, and communities maintain a harmonious relationship based on ..read more
1y ago
A Millennial and a Gen Z-er walked into your Print Shop…….
Sounds like the beginning to a new take on an old joke, doesn’t it?
At the PINE annual conference this year we got to hear some real-world scientific data from Dr. Kent Wessinger about accountability and retention of your younger workforce.
If you read no further than this statement, at least you will take this FACT away:
Your ability to attract and retain Gen Z talent to your workforce is directly proportional to your ability to attract Gen Z clients.
Let that sink in.
There is a TREMENDOUS amount of movement happening in the workf ..read more
1y ago
Kelly Mallozzi recaps the 2023 Annual Conference with this first installment of blog posts.
Notes from the PINE Annual Conference 2023 – Part 1
PINE members gathered for their annual conference, with GROWTH as the theme, on the shores of gorgeous Lake Winnipesaukee, NH recently.
Jam-packed sessions were so full of actionable information that a series is called for: you could not fit all the content in one blog.
So here goes:
First up was Allan Langer talking about pricing. Langer acknowledged that many people on the receiving end of a quote or pricing proposal ..read more
2y ago
The Pandemic, Paper Shortages, and the Supply Chain
As if the sickness and death associated with the COVID-19 pandemic wasn’t enough, all industries including the printing industry is now experiencing a paper shortage. At least in part, the cause of this paper shortage can be traced back to the pandemic and issues related to staffing, shipping, and the demand for source paper materials.
The Impact of the Pandemic
Paper production for printing has been experiencing a slow decline for years, and paper mills have been adjusting their production capability to match that decline. In 2021, however ..read more
2y ago
PINE Members Exclusive Opportunity to Access the Sales Vault of Bill Farquharson
The Sales Vault is a resource for sales people and selling owners featuring:
Live online courses on sales-specific topics, such as:
Time Management
Prospecting for Introverts
Social Media Basics
Leveraging Social Media for Sales
Overcoming Objections
Selling to Vertical Markets (Banks, Hospitals, etc)
How to Create an Effective Prospecting Process
Selling Digital/Inkjet Printing
Titles rotate in and out each month. Click here for the upcoming line up.
Weekly peer group sales discussions;
Downloadable sales to ..read more
2y ago
10 Things I Know About…Getting Your Business Through the Pandemic
10) Read all available news sources for updates. Read your local newspapers daily…they have some of the most comprehensive information. Do not rely on news feed clips.
9) Reach out to your local legislators. Legislators are humans too. They feel the effects of the pandemic just like everyone else. They work on your behalf, so explain what your immediate needs are and see how they can help.
8) Inquire about available grants or loans. Throughout this pandemic, various grants and loan opportunities have presented themselves. Th ..read more
2y ago
All Arise! Americas Print Show Hints at the Future of Events
The inaugural Americas Print Show was held August 17–19, in Columbus, Ohio, and while it had some hiccups, the general consensus, from exhibitors and attendees, was that it was a worthwhile event. What does this tell us about the future of industry events?
By Richard Romano
As we all arise from the bunkers and head out to industry events, many for the first time since 2019, it’s common to greet old friends and colleagues with, “It’s great to be back at shows again!” And yet, the existential question we keep asking ourselves is, “Wha ..read more
2y ago
As expected, the Postal Service will be increasing prices for some competitive products over the coming holiday season. Following the approval by the Governors of the USPS at their meeting on August 9, the prices were announced by the agency on August 10. The temporary price increase will take effect at 12am CT on October 2 and expire at 12am CT on January 22, 2023.
Given that the USPS will be implementing higher rates for market-dominant products on January 22, it’s likely that, if higher rates for competitive products are announced later this year, those would take effect that day as well ..read more