Is Small Business SETA Contracting for You?
Small To Feds
4d ago
The commercial, start up or growing entrepreneur may have specialized skills,products and services that could be marketable to the government but a window of opportunity or an entrance niche is sometimes difficult to locate in the very large and competitive federal contracting venue. System Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) contracting may provide an avenue for the small business in gaining the momentum necessary for building a government contracting past performance record. It does not require an off-the-shelf product or capital intensive facilities.  SETA contractin more
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Managing Government Contract Limitation of Funds and Funding Exposure
Small To Feds
2M ago
Nearing the end of a government fiscal year or under a government shutdown a contractor may find delays in funding reaching all the way to congress. This situation must be managed with the government contracting officer. Some contractors choose to operate on "risk," continuing to perform on a contract while exceeding the incremental funding in booked cost and obligations. The government is under no obligation to reimburse the contractor for amounts exceeding incremental funding. Many federal contracts are funded incrementally, usually based on the government fiscal year that runs from 1 O more
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Small Business Mentoring And Social Networking
Small To Feds
2M ago
  A Mentor's 18-Year Comparative Review of The SCORE And MicroMentor Web Sites   By Ken Larson SCORE From 2006 to 2011, I supported SCORE as a volunteer counselor.  During some years I had several hundred clients. The web site was dynamic, fast, easily accessed and fairly simple.  SCORE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The web site operation is run from SCORE HQ in Herndon, Virginia.  Only U.S. Citizens are eligible to participate since it is heavily funded by SBA government&nbs more
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Is The Term"Talent Pool" Obsolete?
Small To Feds
2M ago
Talent is fluid today. It is also being re-defined.  Thus, what used to be considered a 'Pool' (either captive or available) is now a technologically-equipped, high speed resource of communicators with motivated skill sets seeking opportunity. Economic hardship has also put a hard, cynical edge on many.  Employment selling must occur both ways (employer and employee).  To an extraordinary degree the age in which we live is requiring us to redefine trust and the degree to which communication and expectation contribute to it. Loyalty has taken a back seat to the above.&nbs more
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Don’t Overlook The Impact Of The Government Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL)
Small To Feds
6M ago
  The CDRL is a register of the deliverable data items. Each data item has a discrete numeric identifier, a data item description (DID) number and a delivery schedule to the customer.  Although it is unusual to negotiate separate pricing for contract data, your negotiated contract and resulting budget baseline must contain the resources to prepare and submit contractually required data items. “The Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) is usually contained in Part III, Section J of the government solicitation you are bidding and the executed contract upon award.  The CDRL is com more
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What Works And Does Not Work In Small Business Blogging
Small To Feds
7M ago
  In the current business climate of high technology and Internet communications, very few small enterprises succeed without effective on-line networking.  Most grasp that reality and make it a part of the business routine. Content can be developed to suit the target client profile. One of the shortest paths to demonstrating value to a target audience is to do so with good blogging content, networked to the max.  Much of the network blogging tools these days are free and only require some astute time to magnify a business to clients (regardless of who the clients are). Blogging more
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Your Federal Government Contracting Past Performance Record
Small To Feds
10M ago
FAR 42.1501 “Relevant information for future source selection purposes, regarding a contractor’s actions under previously awarded contracts. It includes, for example, the contractor’s record of conforming to contract requirements and to standards of good workmanship; the contractor’s record of forecasting and controlling costs; the contractor’s adherence to contract schedules, including the administrative aspects of performance; the contractor’s history of reasonable and cooperative behavior and commitment to customer satisfaction; and generally, the contractor’s business-like concern more
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For April 2024 National Volunteer Month – What Makes It All Worthwhile?
Small To Feds
10M ago
  The ultimate reward ? When a small business puts their own unique twists on basic suggestions and develops a thriving enterprise. _____________________________________________________________________ I had two mentors at key points in my 36 year career in Aerospace. They were a combination of technical, management and communications talent, rarely found in high tech industry. Neither placed salary, position or ego ahead of developing their subordinates and each reached the pinnacle of their respective careers for exactly that trait.  Their skills at developing and utilizing people more
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Small Business Federal Government Contracting and You
Small To Feds
1y ago
I appreciate the many individuals who have contacted me for advice through the Micro Mentor and SCORE Foundations, LinkedIn and other social media. It has been a pleasure to serve small business.  Catch the latest in News for the Government Contracting Industry:  Government Contracting News Please feel free to download the free books pictured here, as well as other useful information at the BOX in the right margin of this site You may also download the books free of charge from: The small business contracting books contain live links more
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Appreciating SCORE & MicroMentor During National Mentoring Month – January 2024
Small To Feds
1y ago
During the January 2024 National Mentoring Month, my thanks to the SCORE and MicroMentor organization teams with whom I have worked for 16 Years. Small business volunteering has kept me active in retirement, in touch with my profession and engaged in a continuous learning mode. The SCORE and MicroMentor platforms have been my “Windows On The World” in pursuing those objectives. I believe we are growing entrepreneurs more than growing monumentally successful enterprises. Each, in turn, will grow a unique form of business using their efforts, not ours. We do not do it for them. They do it more
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