How to Cut Canberra Lawn Like A Pro
ACT Gardening Solutions Blog
2y ago
So there is #mowing your #lawn properly, and then there's mowing your lawn because you have to. Sticking to a regular growing schedule ensures that your lawn remains healthy and lush for longer periods of the year. This is why we thought we would help out with a few handy tricks and answer common lawn questions asked everyday. There is certainly plenty of debate in the gardening world on what is typically the best advice and tricks to get lush full lawn all year round. So ACT Gardening Solutions put our brain trust together to discover what we thought was the most frequently requested questio more
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Handy Tips to See Your Garden Flourish in Winter - Canberra Gardening.
ACT Gardening Solutions Blog
2y ago
ACT Gardening Solutions are the Canberra region's premium garden solution with over 10 years experience in garden maintenance, lawn care, landscaping and more. Check out our website today. Don't neglect your garden this winter, help it stay fresh and vibrant. Now that the cooler months are upon us, we need to begin to change our gardening mindset and look to adapt to the season change. Now we know that in the cooler months gardens often don't loose as much water to evaporation as they do in summer. Because of this, soils can easily waterlog, if they are over watered, particularly in Canberra w more
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Pruning Roses Ready For Spring
ACT Gardening Solutions Blog
2y ago
Roses are hands down the most loved plant across all gardens in the ACT and our teams often come across miss-managed and poorly maintained roses. So here it is, ACT Gardening Solutions tops tips to maintaining great roses ready for spring. The more effort you put into ensuring the health and longevity of your roses the better they will perform for you each year. Now of course like all plants roses have a number of species that all require unique maintenance methods, however, these are our generalist tips that can be applied to all. In Australia and specifically in the ACT we recommend pruning more
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Pressure Washing Your Home
ACT Gardening Solutions Blog
2y ago
One of the most overlooked service items that many in Canberra and Queanbeyan residents often neglect is the value in presenting clean houses and vibrant driveways. With so many Canberrans looking to sell their homes at the possibility of maximum returns, often it baffles us why more people are not looking to present their homes in the best possible light..... So this got our team thinking about what the benefits are to pressure washing your home. Here's what we came up with. Surfaces Acidic grime, algae, mould and other substances over time will erode your driveway and home façade should reg more
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How to Choose The Best Mulch For Your Garden
ACT Gardening Solutions Blog
2y ago
With so many #mulch variations available, it can be confusing when you're trying to figure out which mulching material to use. Here is ACT Gardening Solutions advice on mulch and what added benefits it will bring to your garden beds. While mulching may seem like a basic part of gardening, there are a few must-knows about the different mulches you can use and the benefits that each provides. Though shredded bark might immediately come to mind, there are several other types of mulch that you may want to consider using in your garden. Knowing when to add mulch to your planting beds, and how much more
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How To Plant, Fertilise, Water, Prune, Grow And Care For Nandina Plants
ACT Gardening Solutions Blog
2y ago
Here at ACT Gardening Solutions we often come across a species of #Nadina plants at just about every home in the #Canberra and #Queanbeyan region, so like most of our blogs it got us thinking about what our top tips are for maintaining these bright plants. Nandina, commonly called heavenly bamboo or sacred bamboo by some, are immensely popular, versatile evergreen shrubs with colourful, lacy foliage that resemble..... you guessed it, bamboo. When established Nandina are exceptionally drought-tolerant. Bugs aren't a problem and when planted properly they have no disease problems. Although the more
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14 Tips to Achieve in the Garden this Winter
ACT Gardening Solutions Blog
2y ago
Yes Canberra we know its cold, but that doesn't mean you need to go into hibernation when it comes to gardening. Your landscaping and plants still need TLC and maintenance even though its not an ample growing season. If the essential winter gardening tasks are completed your garden beds and will be in a great place for ample growing come spring. So here are ACT Gardening Solutions leading tips for gardening in winter. Cover Beds with Weeds If you have been neglecting your garden beds for a period of time and they are full of weeds, we suggest covering the entire garden bed with plastic. By do more
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Establishing a NEW Garden Bed
ACT Gardening Solutions Blog
2y ago
Creating a beautiful outdoor space is one of the privilege's of being a home owner and there is no better feeling then doing it with your own designs and hard work. ACT Gardening Solutions have helped countless people across the Canberra region establish garden beds and design landscaping ideas. Our team thought there is no better way to help our community then by offering out our knowledge and experience to point you in the right direction to complete a great home improvement. So let's look at the top tips we always like to achieve when completing minor landscaping projects such garden beds more
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