Postgres to SQLite - Building SaaS #204
Matt Layman
1w ago
In this episode, we worked on the cloud migration’s data strategy. I focused on how to convert a Postgres database into a SQLite database and planned out the process that I will follow to do the actual migration more
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Docker Go, JS, Static Files - Building SaaS #203
Matt Layman
2w ago
In this episode, we continued on the cloud migration path. We need to build a Docker container with all the necessary static files. Some of these come from Go via Hugo for a content blog. Some comes from JavaScript via Tailwind for CSS. Some come from Python via Sphinx for documentation. All need to built into the same image. That’s what we covered on this stream more
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Cloud Migration Beginning - Building SaaS #202
Matt Layman
3w ago
In this episode, we started down the path of migrating School Desk off of Heroku and onto Digital Ocean. Most of the effort was on tool changes and beginning to make a Dockerfile for deploying the app to the new setup more
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Kamal On A Droplet - Building SaaS #201
Matt Layman
1M ago
In this episode, we continued working with the Kamal deploy tool. Last time, we build a demo image. With this session, we created a Digital Ocean Droplet (i.e., VM) and deployed to that. Along the journey, we learned a lot about how Kamal operates more
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Kamal - Building SaaS #200
Matt Layman
1M ago
In this episode, we pulled out a new tool. We spent the session using Kamal, a tool to deploy web apps directly to servers. Kamal offers a complete tool set to get apps running on bare metal or cloud machines. We played with the tool to see how far we go to get an app deployed to a new server more
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No Frills, Just Go: Standard Library Only Web Apps
Matt Layman
1M ago
How much can you build in Go with zero extra packages? What is possible using nothing more than Go’s standard library? In this talk, you’re going to find out more
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Layman's Guide to Python Built-in Functions
Matt Layman
1M ago
Quick Jump List A: abs, aiter, all, anext, any, ascii, B: bin, bool, breakpoint, bytearray, bytes, C: callable, chr, classmethod, compile, complex, D: delattr, dict, dir, divmod E: enumerate, eval, exec, F: filter, float, format, frozenset, G: getattr, globals, H: hasattr, hash, help, hex, I: id, input, int, isinstance, issubclass, iter, L: len, list, locals, M: map, max, memoryview, min, N: next, O: object, oct, open, ord, P: pow, print, property, R: range, repr, reversed, round, S: set, setattr, slice, sorted, staticmethod, str, sum, super, T: tuple, type, V: vars, Z: zip, _: __import__ more
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Golang Middleware and DBs - Building SaaS #199
Matt Layman
1M ago
In this episode, we continued the break from JourneyInbox to look through more of the Go standard library. In this session, we talked about middleware, request context, and using databases more
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More Go Standard Library - Building SaaS #198
Matt Layman
1M ago
In this episode, we continued the break from JourneyInbox to look through more of the Go standard library. In this session, we explored JSON serialization, Go template support, and embedding of static files for easy access more
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PDF Text Extraction With Python
Matt Layman
1M ago
Is your data locked up in portable document format (PDFs)? In this talk we’re going to explore methods to extract text and other data from PDFs using readily-available, open-source Python tools (such as pypdf), as well as techniques such as OCR (optical character recognition) and table extraction. We will also discuss the philosophy of text extraction as a whole more
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