Divorced Catholic Dads Blog
My name is Dave and I am a single Catholic father of 3 children, two of which are my boys, ages 19 and 25 who have varying levels of disabilities and live at home with me. I started this web site and blog after I discovered that there were no resources on the web to help me walk the route of divorce from a spiritual standpoint. This blog is dedicated to all divorced fathers following the..
Divorced Catholic Dads Blog
2y ago
I would be interested in how others perceive this issue. Obviously there is a lot more to this discussion than what I could have written here – heck there are whole books and libraries on the topic. I was simply trying to explain what a plain ordinary Catholic guy thinks about living my faith in this area ..read more
Divorced Catholic Dads Blog
2y ago
I know that this site is geared toward Dad’s who have been left. However, I just wanted to let you know that there are catholic dad’s out there like me who hung in there and tried in earnest to make it work but opted out after years betrayal and deceipt. I am currently saddled with all household bills with no contribution from my ex-wife. On some months the outgoing bills and expenses exceed my income and I have had to rely on family members to cover the budget gaps during recent months. My ex-wife refuses to pay any bills associated with the household even though she does produce and income f ..read more
Divorced Catholic Dads Blog
2y ago
And the journey from the state I am in at the moment to the state God is calling me to is easier as I am not weighed down with the baggage of sin, but rather fortified and strengthened by grace. As a divorced Catholic dad, everything I do and undertake must have as its foundation the graces offered by Jesus Christ and his Catholic Church. Frequent Confession, Mass and Eucharist are the best foundation to build any healing, restoration and higher state of being that God is calling me to ..read more
Divorced Catholic Dads Blog
2y ago
Then I may know peace. Even as I carry the Cross of my state in life ..read more
Divorced Catholic Dads Blog
2y ago
I look forward in friendship here online.. – or anyone else’s decisions. You can only take responsibility for your own decisions. Re: Divorced Catholic Dads web site inquiry new way to a place you have never been and it takes a quiet heart, mind and spirit to hear His voice. RE: Divorced Catholic Dads web site inquiry the truth of the moment, and even if some of their perceptions are incorrect, the feelings are not ..read more
Divorced Catholic Dads Blog
2y ago
I am here for you and obviously you are in my prayers. Your brothers in Christ can walk with you along this path. I think our discussion will be valuable for other Divorced Catholic Dads. Subject: RE: Divorced Catholic Dads post RE: Divorced Catholic Dads post They were instrumental in rekindling my spiritual life. In particular, you should . I would also recommend Volumes I and II. I have read them all and they are superb. Vol. II is for meditation ..read more