The start of Winter
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
1M ago
I see I am not writing much this year. There are several reasons for this, one being I’m not actually riding very often. In fact Mrs C and I are doing a bit more walking – hence the above picture from the Tamar Wetlands walk. Why am I not riding very often? you may well ask. I guess there are several reasons. We continually seem to have things that must be done, appointments to keep etc and lots of these things clash with days I could be riding. Plus I haven’t the “push” to get out and about on the bike now the weather is a bit inclement! Consequently I have not been meeting my New Year Resolu more
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10 Wheels to the Berry Patch
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
2M ago
10 wheels? Yes, that’s 3 trikes and 1 e-wheel riding part of the NW Coastal Path in north-west Tasmania The NW Coastal Pathway is the initiative of a number of Councils along the coast with the goal of creating a shared pathway with a length of approx 110 kilometres. Quite a bit of it is in place now with more to come online in the next few months. Today we cycle one of the latest lengths to be added between Don and Turners Beach. Four older guys with a combined age of 316 decided to ride this short stretch of the path. For a year or so Ken, at 91, has been wanting to give this a go on his tri more
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New Tyres
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
3M ago
After Colin’s tyre self-destructed (See last post) I checked mine and – yes – they are worn. New Tyres for Bluey I looked back over this Blog to see when I last replaced the tyres but could not find that post. I’m sure it’s in here somewhere. Never mind, new tyres were ordered from Melbourne. Big Apples, 20″ by 2.15″ wide, balloon tyres. A friend recently went on a cycling trip to China and before he left he bought some new Schwalbe Marathons from eBay. They gave him a heap of puncture problems BUT he now believes they were not real Schwalbes – the name was not raised on the tyre. Mine are more
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Autumn – April Fool’s Day
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
4M ago
I thought of a great joke for April Fool’s 2024 but, on second thoughts, NO. What’s been happening? Well, first of all I’ve been tapping out the New Years Resolution 77 kilometres per week on the trike. Most weeks a bit over and one week 100+ ks but it has all been on the trike and nothing much on the Brompton. The Resolution demanded a shared distance of 77 kilometres. Regarding the camper trailer I haven’t had another trip. A trip to Ross was planned twice but, once again, life got in the way. The next couple of weeks are busy too so it will be late April before there is a chance. A pity rea more
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River Road 2024
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
5M ago
The last time I rode the River Road, Deloraine was before COVID – so a while back. In those days there was a group of between 3 to 5 of us who met up on Fridays, rode River Road and then had a coffee at the Empire Hotel. The rides were advertised – Come and Ride with People on Wheels. It was once Women on Wheels but the numbers fell away so men were allowed along. Today it will be just me as I have lost contact with the others and Colin is away on family duties. I loaded the trike into the trailer, loaded the boot with the rest of the riding gear and set off. Traffic was light, the day cloudy more
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Re-boot 2024
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
5M ago
I’ve had a quiet 2024 so far cycling-wise. Now to re-boot and get cycling. I completed the 6 week Efudix treatment on Sunday and my head is already calming down. There is a fair bit of dead skin to come off yet hopefully with the dreaded solar keratosis ! In the down-time I painted the camper trailer. I reported in the last blog that I had found a primer which helps attach paint to plastic. Not sure if it is working as adding the varnish seemed to remove some paint! Time and use will tell. Crazy Daisy in full colour !The lower folding section is now greenGetting there That’s two coats of acryl more
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Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
6M ago
Yes, halfway through the Efudix solar keratosis treatment and still managing a ride or two. The helmet / treatment don’t go well together so riding is limited. It’s a new year and I got to thinking about years passed, relating them to various trikes and various trike batteries. I was surprised when I realised I had been using my oldest battery for 4 years last December. Yes, it’s 4 years since I swapped out Bluey’s 750w motor for a legal 250w version.  (As an aside – So, when did I start recumbent triking – um – well, 5 years come May. That’s a while back.) My second oldest battery is approx 3 more
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Welcome to 2024
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
7M ago
I wonder what’s in store for my cycling journey in 2024. In 2023 I lost my way a bit. I didn’t feel any pressure to get out and ride so the number of kilometres cycled is way down compared to previous years. In 2024 I intend to rectify this. I reckon cycling helps to limit ones need to interact with the health system as does walking, providing benefits both mental and physical. So, I’ve set a target for myself to help push me out the door. A minimum of 77-78 kilometres of cycling per week plus 15 k of trail walking. Why 77-78 kilometres? Well, that’s simple – it’s my age for this year. Cycling more
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A “Missing Link” ready to ride
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
7M ago
Not “The” missing link but one more link in the proposed Tasmanian NW Coastal Pathway from Latrobe to Wynyard. The new link is a sizeable piece of shared pathway linking Don to Leith. From Leith, use of quiet roads gets you to the existing pathway into Ulverstone making it possible to cycle from Latrobe to Ulverstone on shared pathways and a stretch or two of quiet roads. 30 kilometres altogether. There’s quite a bit more of it finished or being developed but most is not linked up for any distance as yet. It will be a while before the entire 110 kilometres can be ridden. Anyway, today I will b more
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A Trip to Liffey Falls – Day 3
Tony's Tasmanian Cycling Blog
by antc1946
8M ago
It was time to go home. First – an apology. Hardly any still images taken today but there is video footage from the day at the end. It was another great night in the Beriault Camper. Now the teething troubles are over it’s all working very well with enough room for sleeping, space to store stuff and a comfortable doorway to sit in and get changed etc. It’s pretty comfortable reading while leaning against a cushion which, in turn, is up against the back wall. All this in the towable B(eriault) B(icycle) C(amper) No. 5. I haven’t yet tried bringing the chair in and sitting in it. This will need more
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