Episode 14: The Importance of Being a Bilingual Doctor
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
Taking the OAT? Here’s your chance to receive $25 credit for just being a listener. Simply go to www.CrackOAT.com and on checkout, redeem gift certificate code: OPTIN Best Language Learning Sites:   https://www.top5languages.com/?k_cca=prospecting&tmplt=1.6&keyword=language%20learning%20apps&cmpgid=12005397591&adgrpid=124549286868&kwid=kwd-44935159097&geoid=9031953&mt=e&nw=g&de=c&adcat=571824066939&adpst=&demdl=&plcmt=&adacc=1936218272&gclid=CjwKCAjwoduRBhA4EiwACL5RPzm4OmlMYju3UwKKI0HMZKbkyd8b6JIqjDRkZEei-TJAYK2tqmwc5hoC_sgQAvD_B ..read more
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Episode 13: A Day in the life: Optometry School Year 4, Externships
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
Taking the OAT? Here’s your chance to receive $25 credit for just being a listener. Simply go to www.CrackOAT.com and on checkout, redeem gift certificate code: OPTIN   OAT Exam Prep Pack (1 Month): https://app.crackoat.com/checkout?rid=p5L7VS&coupon=OPTIN  OAT Exam Prep Pack (3 Months): https://app.crackoat.com/checkout?rid=pFi8s3&coupon=OPTIN  OAT Exam Prep Pack (6 Months): https://app.crackoat.com/checkout?rid=pZaRd8&coupon=OPTIN   #PreOptometry #OptometryAdmissionTest #Optometry ..read more
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Episode 12: A day in the life: Year 3 in Optometry School Year
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
Taking the OAT? Here’s your chance to receive $25 credit for just being a listener. Simply go to www.CrackOAT.com and on checkout, redeem gift certificate code: OPTIN ..read more
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Episode 10: A day in the life: First Year of Optometry School
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
Taking the OAT? Here’s your chance to receive $25 credit for just being a listener. Simply go to www.CrackOAT.com and on checkout, redeem gift certificate code: OPTIN ..read more
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Episode 9: Balancing life as an optometry student and influencer with Nadia Afkhami
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
Taking the OAT? Study less, score higher on your OAT Exam with CrackOAT.com. You’ll receive 100+ Hours of Video Crash Course Videos, OAT Flashcards, OAT Study Guides, OAT Cheat Sheets and an arsenal of OAT Practice Tests and Questions to help you crush the Optometry Admission Test. Here’s your chance to receive $25 credit for just being a listener. Simply go to www.CrackOAT.com and on checkout, redeem gift certificate code: OPTINPODCAST ..read more
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Episode 8: Applying to Optometry School - Tips and Tricks
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
On this episode of Opt-In we have two pre-optometry students giving advice to future students on the application process, interviews and studying for the OAT with Crack the OAT ..read more
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Episode 7: A Look Into Your First Year
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
In this episode of Opt-In, Toqua Saflo reflects on her personal experience as a first-year optometry student. We get the inside scoop of what it was like for her to move to another country, adjust to graduate-level learning, and finally dive into the career she has been dreaming of.  Tune in for more details and our discount code for your OAT Exam Preparation! Happy listening! Get your OAT Exam Prep with a 10% discount by redeeming this link:  https://app.crackoat.com/checkout?rid=pZaRd8&coupon=FIRSTYEAR10 (DISCOUNT CODE: FIRSTYEAR10, valid until 7/30/21 ..read more
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Episode 6: Personal Statement Advice
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
Hey Opt-In listeners! We are kicking off the summer months with preparation for the 2021/22 application cycle! In this episode, we are talking about the do's and don'ts when writing your personal statements. If you would like your essay proofread, let us know at crackoat@gmail.com, we are happy to work with you.  The discount code for 10% off our study program is: CrackThePS10. If you are seeking larger discounts, check us out on our Instagram page @crack.oat.  We hope you enjoy this episode and thank you all again for your support ..read more
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Episode 5: What is it like to be Colorblind?
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
In this episode, we share a conversation with Sean, a data analyst who runs an Instagram page (@colourblindvison_) sharing his experiences with colorblindness and showing through pictures what it's like to have different types of color deficiencies. During our conversation, we get to learn about Sean's experience growing up colorblind, and also discover common obstacles that the colorblind community faces and that he has encountered himself. Go have a listen!  10% Discount Code for Crack the OAT: COLORB10 (valid for 14 days after podcast release ..read more
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Episode 4: Choosing The Right School For You
OPT-IN: The Pre-Optometry Podcast
by Crack the OAT
1y ago
You've gotten your letters of acceptance; now what? In this episode, we will be discussing how to narrow down your options and pick the school that is best for you.  ..read more
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