Novadent Denture Cleaner – why it’s the best denture cleaner on the market
National Denture Centre Blog
by cmg
1y ago
A common question I get asked by my patients daily is: How do I look after and clean my Dentures?? A lot of Denture cleaners contain high contents of bleach which over time cause discolouration, weakness and makes dentures porous over time. For these reasons we do not recommend using the over-the-counter products that are commonly available on the market for example Strident and Milton. At the Denture National Centre, we pride ourselves on educating our patients on Denture after-care and Oral hygiene. Good dental hygiene leading to fresh breath gives you the confidence to connect with people more
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New Dentures or just a Reline?
National Denture Centre Blog
by cmg
1y ago
Patients often present at my clinic with dentures that started off fitting well and slowly got worse in their ability to function well under normal usage. This is often the result of bone resorption in the jaw. Our bones are constantly changing on a molecular level and bone remodelling happens naturally in order to maintain bone strength. Bone absorption is the process where bone tissue is broken down and calcium is transferred from bone to blood. It decreases bone mass only to be built back up again in a process called ossification.In our youth, ossification trumps resorption more
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Dentures and the fight against Covid
National Denture Centre Blog
by cmg
1y ago
By this stage, we have mostly all had our Covid jabs and boosters and are doing our part in the fight against this insidious disease by wearing masks in public places and keeping social contact to a minimum. But did you know that one of the best ways to help our bodies maintain a good fight against Covid-19 is to keep our mouths clean?!   Research over the past 2 years shows an undeniable link between poor oral hygiene and one’s ability to fight against Covid. Covid patients with gum disease show a weakening of immunity against Covid and those patients with gingivitis or periodontal dise more
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