southern orders
The southern orders is a liturgical blog by Fr. Allan J. McDonald. He is a retired priest of the Diocese of Savannah ordained in 1980 at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. He currently resides at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
southern orders
2d ago
Crux has a balanced commentary on Pope Francis rebukes of the non Catholic Trump and Catholic Vance.
Read the FULL article HERE.
Here’s the best part:
For a pope to challenge the President of the United States so openly – and so early after his inauguration – is not merely remarkable. In reality, it is a seismic shift – and it only took 22 days from Trump’s inauguration.
Francis is already being challenged on two levels.
First, significant voices are asking why Trump gets a rebuke while other world leaders get a free pass.
Catholic scholar Samuel Gregg said, “In itself the pope’s ..read more
southern orders
2d ago
But before he did that, His Holiness called out those leaders of countries where life is so miserable, so many have a need to escape:Benedict XVI wrote in 2012: «In the current social and political context, however, even before the right to migrate, there is need to reaffirm the right not to emigrate, that is, to remain in one’s homeland; as John Paul II stated: “It is a basic human right to live in one’s own country. However this rights become effective only if the factors that urge people to emigrate are constantly kept under control”. Today in fact we can see that many migrations are ..read more
southern orders
3d ago
Lettera del Santo Padre ai Vescovi degli Stati Uniti d’America, 11.02.2025
Lettera del Santo Padre
Traduzione in lingua spagnola
Lettera del Santo Padre
Dear Brothers in the Episcopate,
I am writing today to address a few words to you in these delicate moments that you are living as Pastors of the People of God who walk together in the United States of America.
1. The journey from slavery to freedom that the People of Israel traveled, as narrated in the Book of Exodus, invites us to look at the reality of our time, so clearly marked by the phenomenon of migration, as a decis ..read more
southern orders
3d ago
This is Our Lady of Perpetual Help. They have become very creative to hide an ugly post-Vatican II modern altar, make it ad orientem only and restore the altar railing. Very nicely done. Kudos to Fr. John Boyle, pastor and his parishioners who made this possible. I am sure Archbishop Samples was supportive too!
Before altar:
After altar, but stripped for Good Friday:
Pre-altar railing restoration and new flooring installation and andependdium to hide modern altar:
New altar railing and flooring ..read more
southern orders
4d ago
I think what Cardinal Koch says about the two extremes in the Church, mirror images of each other, meaning traditionalism in a fundamentalist sense and progressivism in a fundamentalist sense is right on and very important for the cardinals of the Church, especially those named by Pope Francis, to hear.
Make no mistake, what Cardinal Koch is saying is said to the cardinals who will elect the next pope. He is putting out an agenda for the next pope.
The problem for the Church today isn’t the fringe traditionalists who reject Vatican II and see the See of Peter as empty, the problem is ..read more
southern orders
6d ago
I think this is the second time in a few years where Vatican II liturgists have done this to the basilica’s high altar. It is quite a symbol of what they have done to the altars and liturgies of the Church throughout the world!Watch the X video HERE ..read more
southern orders
6d ago
Bishop's Pastoral Statement on Immigration Procedures
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the values of faith, mercy and justice, and how they relate to Judeo-Christian tradition. We recall the words of our Lord in the Gospel of Matthew, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me” (25:35-6). Jesus taught us that this is the standard by which we will be judged on the last day. It is important to k ..read more
southern orders
1w ago
What I would like, in my most humble opinion, is not a common fixed dated for Easter, but a common way to discern the movable date of Easter. I can take the Western Way or the Eastern Way. I like a movable date for Easter because it keeps us guessing.
But apart from that, if the Roman Catholic Church in union with Eastern Orthodoxy chooses a common date for Easter, how many Protestant sects would follow suit????
I suspect the more liberal and clearly dying mainline Protestant denominations will go along.
But will Southern Baptists?
Will other fundamentalist Christians follow what the pope ha ..read more