From my side of the Altar
A Catholic Priest's Blog with Scripture, Saints, the Church and Contemporary issues. This blog is Fr. Tim Mockaitis' humble effort to evangelize: Reflections on Scripture and Saints alive in our Catholic life.
From my side of the Altar
6h ago
From my side of the Altar
9h ago
James Tissot: Jesus preaching
"Blessed are you . . ."
Luke 6: 17, 20-26
The Word: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/021625.cfm
If we were given a choice between being rich or poor, I have no doubt that the majority of us would choose to be rich. It just seems to bring fewer worries in life and having unlimited wealth would create a kind of fairy tale existence. I mean, who needs to drive when someone else can take you where you want to go? Who needs to live simply rather than surrounded by expensive and beautiful things? Why sit home all the while ..read more
From my side of the Altar
5d ago
From my side of the Altar
1w ago
(Alif photo)
"Put out into deep waters"
The Word: Luke 5: 1-11
Our readings this Sunday present the miraculous as well in the call of Isaiah the prophet and the call of the disciples on the Sea. While Isaiah’s mystical experience in the Temple is personal to him alone God unexpectedly intervenes in this new prophet’s life and Isaiah willingly answers the call: “Here I am send me!” How unique among the prophets for Isaiah’s unusual willingness to embrace that tough and hostile vocation.
Luke tells us in the Gospel that Jesus w ..read more
From my side of the Altar
1w ago
From my side of the Altar
2w ago
From my side of the Altar
2w ago
Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Fra Bartolomeo
"Light for revelation to the Gentiles"
Luke 2: 22-40
The Word: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020225.cfm
In our lives as priests we know that spontaneous events will inevitably happen. Regarding funerals for example or calls to visit the sick and in some cases, the dying, there is no timeline or monthly quota. People don’t die in alphabetical order nor only on certain days of the week.
One reliable, though, is when visiting those in a terminal illness or perhaps on the last journey under hospice care, i ..read more