9 March 2025 - First Sunday in Lent - prayers of the faithful - CMCF prison ministry
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
13h ago
Introduction: Each year on this first Sunday of Lent, we hear how Jesus was tempted in the desert. Jesus resisted, finding strength in God. As we embark on these 40 days of Lent, may the Lord give us the strength and courage to resist temptation and repent for the times we fail to do so.  Penitential Rite:  Lord Jesus - you call us to journey through the desert with you.  Christ Jesus - you call us to resist temptation.  Lord Jesus - you call us to follow your Father’s will.  PRIEST: As we commemorate the first weekend of the sacred season of Lent, let us confidently o ..read more
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9 March 2025 - Bulletin Reflection - First Sunday of Lent
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
20h ago
 This past week, we started the holy season of Lent with Ash Wednesday, when the Catholic faithful come to get ashes on their foreheads, showing their desire to repent and the transform in the preparations for Easter. In recent years, many other Christian denominations have adopted this tradition from the Catholics, something that would have unheard of just 20 years ago. I love commemorating this holy season each, journeying with all of you, the Catholic faithful, as we accompany Jesus for 40 days in the desert. This year, I am going to be talking about different members of the community ..read more
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9 March 2025 - First Sunday in Lent - prayers of the faithful
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
2d ago
Introduction: Each year on this first Sunday of Lent, we hear how Jesus was tempted in the desert. Jesus resisted, finding strength in God. As we embark on these 40 days of Lent, may the Lord give us the strength and courage to resist temptation and repent for the times we fail to do so.  Penitential Rite:  Lord Jesus - you call us to journey through the desert during these holy days of Lent - Lord have mercy.  Christ Jesus - you call us to resist temptation - Christ have mercy.  Lord Jesus - you call us to follow your Father’s will - Lord have mercy.  Prayers of the f ..read more
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9 March 2025 - homily for 1st Sunday of Lent - Deuteronomy 26:4-10 - Luke 4:1-13
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
2d ago
In our first reading from the book of Deuteronomy, at the end of 40 years wandering in the desert, Moses speaks to the Israelites, preparing them for their new life in the Promised Land. They undergo a ritual where they give thanks for the land they receive from God, offering God the first fruits of the land. Moses reminds the people of the good things God has done for them. God liberated them from slavery in Egypt, led them through the desert, and gave them a land flowing with milk and honey.  The Israelites’ deliverance from their Egyptian captivity was the first stepping stone to a new ..read more
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7 March 2025 - homily for Friday after Ash Wednesday - Matthew 9:14-15 - Isaiah 58:1-9a
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
2d ago
Fr. Jean Pierre de Caussade was a French Jesuit priest and author who was born on this day in 1675. He is well-known for his famous treatise on Abandonment to Divine Providence, which asserts that the present moment is a sacrament from God and that self-abandonment to it is a holy state. This book is now considered to be a Catholic spiritual classic. He is also well-known for his letters written to the Visitation nuns in the Lorraine region of northern France, where he served them as confessor and spiritual director. He also served as rector of two colleges and as spiritual director for a Jesu ..read more
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7 March 2025 - Friday after Ash Wednesday - prayers of the faithful
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
2d ago
Lord Jesus - you call us to give thanks.  Christ Jesus - you call us to serve our neighbor.  Lord Jesus - you call us to holiness.  Priest: We bring our prayers to God, the source of mercy and compassion: 1. For all Christians who are in the first week of their holy Lenten journey.  For strength and courage during this holy season.  2. For obedience to the will of God amongst the followers of Christ, especially when God’s will challenges us and when our journey is difficult and complicated.   3. For unity and collaboration amongst all Christians.   4. For tho ..read more
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6 March 2025 - prayers of the faithful - Thursday after Ash Wednesday
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
2d ago
Lord Jesus - you bring healing into our lives  Christ Jesus - you bring us the love of your heavenly Father.  Lord Jesus - you call us to reconciliation and forgiveness.  PRIEST: In the first days of our Lenten journey, let us remember all in need: 1. For Pope Francis, Bishop Joseph Kopacz, and all our leaders in faith.  May they provide us guidance and wisdom on our Lenten journey.   2. For the leaders of the nations of the world and for our leaders here in the United States. May they be servant leaders to their people.  3. For the hungry, the poor, the homeless ..read more
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6 March 2025 - homily for Thursday after Ash Wednesday - Deuteronomy 30:15-20
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
2d ago
Our readings today offer us a clear choice between the way of death and the way of life. The First Reading comes from near the end of the Book of Deuteronomy, just before it relates the last actions and the death of Moses. It is in a section known as the Third Discourse, a discourse attributed to Moses. Moses states that he is setting before the people of Israel a choice between life and prosperity, doom and death, but it is dependent upon them following the Lord’s commandments. In this same way, Jesus states that by taking up our crosses and following him, we will save our lives.  The li ..read more
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5 March 2025 - homily for Ash Wednesday - Joel 2:12-18 - 2 2 Corinthians 5:20—6:2 - Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
2d ago
St Paul greets us with these words today that set the tone for the holy season of Lent: “Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” Lent indeed is a favorable and acceptable time to us to return to what is essential and fundamental in our faith: to cast off what is weighing us down, to reconcile with God, and to rekindle the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. Lent is a season of grace where we return to God with all our whole heart, heading the call of the prophet Joel in our first reading today.  We begin our Lenten journey today by receiving a smudg ..read more
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5 March 2025 - Ash Wednesday - prayers of the faithful
A Catholic Priest in Mississippi
by Father Lincoln
2d ago
Priest: As we commemorate the beginning of the holy season of Lent today on Ash Wednesday, we present our needs to God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love.  1. For our Holy Father Pope Francis, Bishop Joseph Kopacz, and all our Church leaders, that they may receive the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit as they lead the people of God during this holy season of repentance and renewal, we pray to the Lord.   2. For the Church, that she may be an ambassador for Christ by announcing the good news of reconciliation and healing to the world, we pray ..read more
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