Notes from St. Ignatius on How to Navigate Scruples and Temptations from the Enemy
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
1d ago
St. Ignatius offers the following notes which will benefit us. They help us to understand scruples and the temptations of our enemy more
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Rules for Distributing Alms from St. Ignatius
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
1w ago
St. Ignatius write the following rules should be observed in the ministry of distributing alms more
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Imagine: Ignatian Contemplation.
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
2w ago
In the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius proposes praying with the Gospel scenes and various spiritual exercises by using our imagination more
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Ignatian Meditation
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
3w ago
Ignatian Meditation is a practice of praying with Scripture that helps us be attentive to how God speaks to us, relates to us, and loves us more
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An Ignatian Daily Prayer Routine
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
1M ago
Guidelines for an Ignatian daily prayer routine more
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Pray The Ignatian Examen
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
1M ago
The Examen is a prayer of gratitude, petition, and awareness of the many graces God bestows on us daily more
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Steps For An Ignatian Prayer Period.
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
1M ago
St. Ignatius offers us a framework for meditating on Scripture or spiritual exercise so we may encounter and discover the Word of God more
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St. Ignatius' Beloved Mother: Our Lady Of The Way
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
1M ago
Ignatius' veneration of Our Lady was a deep and profound part of his spirituality more
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Overcome Vice The Ignatian Way: A Particular Examine
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
1y ago
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8 The Grace of Gratitude In the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, he reminds us that the first sin Pride comes from not being grateful. All things we have are gifts from God who is our Creator. Pride comes from not living in the reality that we were created. We are created to love and serve God in this world with our whole mind, soul and st more
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The Kiddos Figured Out My Weakness & Now We're In a Wardrobe.
Catholic Homeschool Dad Blog
by Gregory Vigliotta
1y ago
"Eh? What's that? (Said the Professor) Yes, of course, you'll get back to Narnia again someday. Once a King in Narnia, always a King in Narnia. But don't go trying to use the same route twice. Indeed, don't try to get there at all. It'll happen when you're not looking for it." When we moved to Delaware almost four years ago, I felt like the Pevensie children leaving Narnia for the first time. I took my theology students through the wardrobe to help them relate to the coming of the Messiah, Paschal Mystery and Jesus Christ. The Chronicles of Narnia quickly became a vehicle for understanding ce more
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