Maximising TSR for Higher Energy Efficiency
Khadilkar Cement Blog
1M ago
An extended Abstract was published in the 38th Year Annual Issue of Indian Cement Review page 72 & 73 . The complete article would be coming in subsequent Issues of… Read More »Maximising TSR for Higher Energy Efficiency The post Maximising TSR for Higher Energy Efficiency appeared first on more
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Innovative Concepts in Cements for Improved Concrete Performance
Khadilkar Cement Blog
3M ago
Abstract  One of the Prominent Cement Company in the country with an existence for many years , has been over the years the leading Cement Manufacturers of Blended Cements (PPC&PSC).… Read More »Innovative Concepts in Cements for Improved Concrete Performance The post Innovative Concepts in Cements for Improved Concrete Performance appeared first on more
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Sustainability & Blended Cements  
Khadilkar Cement Blog
3M ago
Abstract: Sustainable development could be stated as, Economic and Social developments without detriment to the environment and natural resources. Sustainable development thus is a way of ensuring a better quality… Read More »Sustainability & Blended Cements   The post Sustainability & Blended Cements   appeared first on more
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Khadilkar Cement Blog
1y ago
A Rapid Test for deducting Reducing Conditions in Kiln by deducting FeO in Clinker produced. Reduced conditions leads to Wastage of Fuel & undesirable characteristics of Clinker produced. The Reduced Clinker contains FeO & To test presence or absence of FeO in Clinker Magotteaux-Test.The enclosed ppt describes the details of the Test for the benefit of all colleagues in Cement Plants Magotteaux-test-sak-for-blogDownload The post Magotteaux-Test appeared first on more
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Achieving Lowest  Clinker Factor in  fly ash /slag Based Cements
Khadilkar Cement Blog
1y ago
The power Point presentation provides details for achieving Lowest Clinker factor in Fly ash & Slag Based Cements Achieving-Lowest-Clinker-Factor-in-Fly-ash-Slag-Based-Cements-sak-pptDownload The post Achieving Lowest  Clinker Factor in  fly ash /slag Based Cements appeared first on more
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Use of Petcoke: Its properties and its impact on Quality and Process
Khadilkar Cement Blog
1y ago
Petcoke-its-usage-and-its-impact-of-Quality-and-Process-SAK-pptDownload The post Use of Petcoke: Its properties and its impact on Quality and Process appeared first on more
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Maximizing AFR / TSR without affecting Clinker Quality & Achieving Lower Clinker Factor
Khadilkar Cement Blog
1y ago
This presentation was made at the 3rd Edition of QCFI National Sustainability Excellence Awards and Conference on Net Zero Vision for Cement & Ready Mix Concrete Industry – 2024 Hyderabad Chapter . The ppt is being uploaded for the information and benefit of all. Maximising-TSR-without-affecting-Clinker-Quality-acheiving-lower-clinker-Factor-SAK-pptDownload The post Maximizing AFR / TSR without affecting Clinker Quality & Achieving Lower Clinker Factor appeared first on more
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Effect of Chemico-Mineralogical Characteristics of Indian Fly ashes on the Properties of Blended Cement Concrete
Khadilkar Cement Blog
1y ago
The use of fly ash as supplementary cementitious material was originally motivated by its consistent pozzolanic activity and provide for sustainable development in the cement industry. India has been a pioneer in the manufacture of blended cements. Traditionally the blended cements in the country have been produced with calcined clay, mixes of calcined clay and fly ash, fly ash and granulated blast furnace slags. The improved understanding of the beneficial properties imparted by fly ash for both the plastic and hardened stages of blended cement concrete has led to a gradual growth in acceptan more
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Development of Laboratory test Procedure for Prediction and Optimisation of Clinker Granulometry
Khadilkar Cement Blog
1y ago
In the pyro processing of cement raw mix , major attention is given to optimise and control the chemical processes resulting into formation of clinker minerals , as they directly influence cement properties. However , due consideration is not given to control the granulometry of clinker. This property is of immense importance since it determines efficient cooler operation , life of burning zone refractory and Grindability characteristics of resultant clinker . Literature reports many test methods for prediction and assessment of clinker granulometry. However use of these methods is limited , a more
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Khadilkar Cement Blog
1y ago
Cement testing as per Indian standards IS: 4031, i.e., primarily determination of Normal Consistency of cements and subsequently gauging of cement mortar is  carried out manually and requires skill and experience for better accuracy, precision and reproducibility. In the changing times with less skilled manpower the manual methods result in issues of reliability and reproducibility  At the authors’ lab, substantial test data were generated, so as to have comparison of cement mortar tests’ results for OPC, PPC & PSC gauged with manual and mechanical mixing (using Hobart mixer) &am more
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