Why Are You Holding Yourself Back in Your Business?
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1M ago
We’ve been tackling the Be Seen challenge, stripping back the layers on why we hold ourselves back. Let’s be real—we’re all doing it. Pulling back the curtain on why we keep ourselves hidden isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Here’s the deal—we’re all kind of stuck. Buried in tasks that feel productive but don’t really push us forward, tweaking our socials to death without actually sharing anything gutsy, and trapped in this perpetual state of getting ready to… well, get ready. And for us moms in the entrepreneurial ring, there’s this massive elephant in the room: actually taking the plunge on ..read more
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A Guide to More Sustainable Purging
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1y ago
A guest post from Kat Steck of The Junkyard Journals I participated in Declutter Like a Mother last year and was so excited to be purging a bunch of unneeded stuff and freeing up much needed space in my life and home.  However, when I had bagged it all up two things really struck me.   First, how the heck did all this crap end up here in the first place?  Second, all of this has to go away… but what does “away” actually mean? Addressing my tendencies to accumulate more is something I know I will be working on for the rest of my life.  Allie is an amazing support in th ..read more
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5 Ways to Stop Dreading the Holidays
Allie Casazza Blog
by alliecasazza
1y ago
Raise your digital hand if you ever just dread the holiday season. Like you want to get into it, and every year you tell yourself it’s going to be different. But then that one holiday tradition that you do every year (that you hate) pops into your head and it’s like you’re already just 100% done with the season.  You’re just sitting in this feeling of “Oh great. I’m going to have to go to that thing. I’m going to have to do this thing. I’m going to have to see that person. Ughhh. Is it the New Year yet?”  It’s like our traditions have become really overbearing. They feel heavy inste ..read more
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How I Got My Book Deal
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1y ago
In case you missed my live announcement on Instagram… I GOT A BOOK DEAL! ⁣ GUYS! I’M GOING TO BE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! ⁣Things like this can sometimes seem like luck, so I’m sharing a few pieces of what led to this moment you’re seeing in that pic above (that’s the moment I signed my deal!). Before I start, please know that I am sharing certain dollar amounts because I think it’s important for other business owners and hopeful authors out there. And I am passionate about normalizing wealth for women. I’m also passionate about normalizing success for moms! You don’t have to wait on your dreams ..read more
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A Minimalist Baby Registry
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1y ago
A guest post from Jessie Martin Jessie Martin is a wife, mama, photographer, and educator. She writes at Jessiemartin.com and hosts the Grace and Intention podcast. She is passionate about empowering moms to see how incredible their everyday motherhood journey is. One way she does this is through teaching moms how to take beautiful pictures of and with their families (even if they don’t have a fancy camera). Jessie is a mom of two little ones with another on the way. She lives in the woods with her family and loves all things photography, minimalism, and simple living. This baby registry is ..read more
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Your Guide to Intentional Gift-Giving
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1y ago
Every year after Halloween, my family sets an intention for our holiday season. This conversation guides how we spend our time during this time of year, and it’s always based on what it is we need (to get out of the house more and be busy, to rest and dial things back, to take a trip, etc).  Setting an intention helps us so much because it gives us a clear decision-making guidepost. We’re able to be intentional with what we say yes and no to because we know what we want and how we want to feel when the season is over. This intentionality spills into our gift-giving as well.  To me ..read more
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6 Steps to Overcome Your Paper Clutter
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1y ago
I hear from a lot of women that their biggest clutter crutch is **drumroll** paper! Are you raising your hand saying, “Yep. That’s me. I’m one of those women” ?  Trust me, girl. I get it. Decluttering paper can seem like such an unattainable goal because it’s not like normal clutter.  With normal clutter you can just train yourself to not buy the useless crap. But paper is always coming in. And it feels like it multiplies by a billion when you have kids.  The thing is that you’re always going to have more paper and get more paper. And that can feel suuuper discouraging when you ..read more
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#1 Time-Saving Tip for Getting Dinner on the Table Each Night
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1y ago
A guest post from Polly Conner and Rachel Tiemeyer of Thriving Home. As food bloggers, cookbook authors, and freezer cooking evangelists, these moms are on a mission to “help your home thrive, one delicious meal at a time”. Their popular website, ThrivingHome.org and cookbooks help bring busy families together over healthy, homemade meals. Follow them on instagram (@thrivinghome) for recipe ideas, meal prep tips, mom hacks, and more. When I had my first kiddo, I made the decision to stay home full-time. Our one-income budget was tight. My time was tight. And to be honest, my post-pregnancy j ..read more
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How 15 Minutes Can Help You Solve 6 Problem Areas
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1y ago
I think a lot of times people think I’m perfect. That I have a perfect life and everything is perfect in my house all the time. And that’s just so not true.  I have struggles. I have mindset blocks. My house and relationships are sometimes messy.  So, let me just get that out of the way and tell you that things aren’t perfect over here. Not to burst your bubble or anything.  That being said, I am a perfectionist. I’m the epitome of an all-or-nothing person. I struggle with it so, so much. And I think it’s a struggle a lot of us have.  And what sucks is that this all-or-not ..read more
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How I Stopped Yelling at My Kids
Allie Casazza Blog
by Allie Casazza
1y ago
Let me just start off by saying right off the bat that I’m no expert when it comes to not yelling at your kids. It’s something I really have to roll up my sleeves and work at. It’s a constant struggle. And a constant ongoing discussion between me and my husband and my kids.  That being said, I’ve come a loooooong way and worked my butt off at not yelling. And I’ve figured out what works for me.  What centers me and calms me so that I can be the best mom that I can be. So that I can respond to my kids positively instead of reacting to them in anger.  I’ve worked really hard and ..read more
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