I’m Back! What’s to Come?
The World See Normal
by Amber
1y ago
Hey y’all! I don’t even know where to start!  When I wrote last and updated in 2022 I had no plan on waiting 2 years before writing again.  I thought I would do that update and then get back to regular posting. But clearly I didn’t. I can’t really put my finger onto why I didn’t. But I can guess.    I think part of it was a combination of the fact that I kind of forgot about it. Which sounds awful. But it’s true. And partially just pure laziness. What do I mean by laziness? Well, mental laziness I suppose explains it better. In February 2020 I got the great opportunity to s ..read more
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Amazon Prime Day
The World See Normal
by Amber
2y ago
Let’s talk Amazon Prime Day!  It’s a day where you can find just about anything and everything you can imagine on sale.  Honestly thought, you can find some really amazing deals. But there will be so many deals today that I will never be able to publish them all.  So I think I will just start listing the best ones as I find them. Please be patient with me as this is the first year I have ever covered Amazon prime in this kind of fashion.  So I may be a little slow.  But no matter what I will do my best to get you the best deal I see!  If you see any great dea ..read more
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Learning To Deal With Life Changes
The World See Normal
by Amber
2y ago
IAs much as you plan and hold out hope that your life will be “perfect,” we all know that won’t be the case. Life is going to throw you curveballs, and put giant potholes in your way. We all at one time had a path from A to B in mind. It led to the most perfect of lives. You had your dream job, married your real life Prince Charming and had the white picket fence with 2.5 kids. But that’s not the way life goes. Everytime you think you are on the right path you hit a big pothole that completely changes your trajectory. So what do you do now?  While you are doing your best to just put the p ..read more
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I’M BACK – A Quick Life Update
The World See Normal
by Amber
2y ago
Whew…….it’s been awhile since I found myself sitting here looking at this blank screen and blinking cursor. I won’t lie and say I haven’t been writing because I have.  Just not with the intention of writing to you! Those who read The World Sees Normal.  If I am being brutally honest, I haven’t had the drive nor the energy to write here. As thing with covid ramped up locally we had a big tough situation come up within the family. So all my focus and attention went there.  Let’s be honest, the last few months of life have felt like everything has been a chaotic mess. I know I can ..read more
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I’m Back – A Quick Update On My Life in 2021
The World See Normal
by Amber
2y ago
Hellooooo…….  You guys!   It has been a year since I was here last. In my head I would have sworn I put up a post sometime in the summer. But clearly I didn’t. My life hasn’t been very exciting. I honestly had no idea it had been that long.   Writing was always at the top of my yearly, and monthly, goals/to-do list. But somehow I never made it here.  I wish I had some cool story to tell as to why I haven’t been here. But honestly I don’t. But I did go through some big life changes in the last year, so I guess let’s just take a look back at the highlights of 2021!  The ..read more
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A Journey With COVID
The World See Normal
by Amy Nora
2y ago
You wake up one morning coughing like your lungs want to expel themselves from your body. You can’t breathe and basically you are hoping that somebody just tears out your lungs to stop it. That is how a Friday morning started in early March. Immediately I  called my doctor and they had me come in as quickly as possible.  I honestly thought it was a cold or bronchitis.  Sadly an all to familiar Lupus battle.  I would need a refill on an emergency inhaler, an increase on the dose of my preventative steroid inhaler, and be prepared to drink a ton of my beloved lemon ginger tea ..read more
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2020 Amazon Gift Guide For Chronically Ill
The World See Normal
by Amber
2y ago
“These are a few of my favorite things”… I know there are a million and one gift guides floating around this time of year. There are guides for just about everyone from moms and dads to teachers or nurses. But I haven’t seen any geared toward those who are chronically ill.  Or at least I haven’t seen any.  So  I wanted to put together a list of some of my favorite items that would be good for someone who is chronically ill.  I hope you enjoy! 1. Memory Foam Pillow $25.99  2.Key Ring Bangle – $11.99 3. Makeup/Skincare Elastic -$6.99 4. Sunglasses -$14.99 5. Insulated w ..read more
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It’s Okay To Not Always Be Okay
The World See Normal
by Amber
2y ago
It is okay if all you did today was survive. – Unknown Do you know that feeling? The awful feeling like no matter what happens you just can’t get ahead? The feeling that you are inadequate because your life doesn’t look the ones you see on social media? Or feeling like you must be crazy because you deal with a full range of emotions, oftentimes all in one day? Feeling like that you are failing at life because you didn’t get your laundry put away or the dishes out of the sink? If you can relate to any of those things it’s okay! You are just like the rest of us! I wish someone would have told me ..read more
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Don’t Let Quarantine Immobilize You
The World See Normal
by Amber
2y ago
I am excited to announce that we are  starting a NEW WELLNESS SERIES. Once a month we will be focusing on simple things we can do to improve our overall wellness.  This month our piece is written by Laura Wyman. Laura is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, who also lives with several chronic conditions, like Lupus.  She and her husband opened a gym last year in their hometown.  She coaches the developmental youth group and is working toward her certification as a fitness nutrition specialist. Their Gym, Wyman’s Gym, offers in person workouts and training, as well as virtua ..read more
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