Random Thoughts on History
Tim Talbott's blog features his musings on American, African American, Southern, Civil War, Reconstruction, and Public History topics and books. Including recent aquisitions, recommendations and more. Tim is a life-long history enthusiast with a passion for sharing the educational advantages of learning our past.
Random Thoughts on History
9M ago
Dear Uncles: The Civil War Letters of Arthur McKinstry, a Soldier in the Excelsior Brigade, edited by Rick Barram
Colors and Blood: Flag Passions of the Confederate South by Robert Bonner
Troubled Commemoration: The American Civil War Centennial, 1961-1965 by Robert J. Cook
First to Fall: Elijah Lovejoy and the Fight for a Free Press in the Age of Slavery by Ken Ellingwood
To Walk About in Freedom: The Long Emancipation of Priscilla Joyner by Carole Emberton
The Colored Conventions Movement: Black Organizing in the Nineteenth Century, edited by P. Gabrielle Foreman, Jim Casey, and S ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
10M ago
Letters to Belle: Civil War Letters and Life of Chicago Lawyer and Volunteer Colonel John A. Bross, 29th U.S. Colored Infantry, edited by Justine Bross Yildiz
A Grand Terrible Dramma: From Gettysburg to Petersburg - The Civil War Letters of Charles Wellington Reed, edited by Eric A. Campbell
The Abolitionist Civil War: Immediatists and the Struggle to Transform the Union by Frank J. Cirillo
Half American: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad by Matthew F. Delmont
Emilie Davis's Civil War: The Diaries of a Free Black Woman in Philadelphia, 1863-1 ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
10M ago
For the past few year's I've shared my reading list from that year. I thought I would do the same this year. As I think I've mentioned before, my reasoning for doing this is to hopefully bring a previously unknown or overlooked book to someone’s attention, or just maybe, a listed title will strike enough curiosity in someone to encourage them to seek it out and read it.
This year I bested last year’s total by thirteen books to make a total of 72.
Like last year, I’ve bolded the titles of the books that I found particularly interesting or enlightening, offered a fascinating argument, o ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
11M ago
Union Soldiers and the Northern Home Front: Wartime Experiences, Postwar Adjustments, edited by Paul A. Cimbala and Randall M. Miller
Black Maestro: The Epic Life of an American Legend by Joe Drape
Confederate Reckoning: Power and Politics in the Civil War South by Stephanie McCurry
The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties by Mark E. Neely, Jr.
The Abolitionist's Journal: Memories of an American Antislavery Family by James D. Richardson
Grassroots Leviathan: Agricultural Reform and the Rural North in the Slaveholding Republic by Ariel Ron
The Civil War Letters of ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
1y ago
Homelands and Waterways: The American Journey of the Bond Family, 1846-1926 by Adele Logan Alexander
From the Wilderness to Appomattox: The Fifteenth New York Heavy Artillery in the Civil War by Edward A. Altemos
American Visions: The United States, 1800-1860 by Edward L. Ayers
Faces of Union Soldiers at Culp's Hill: Gettysburg's Critical Defense by Joseph Stahl and Matthew Borders
The Bone Ring: Civil War Journals of Colonel William James Leonard by Gari Carter
Stand Firm and Fire Low: The Civil War Writings of Colonel Edward E. Cross, edited by Walter Holden, William F. Ross, and ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
1y ago
Love and Duty: Confederate Widow and the Emotional Politics of Loss by Angela Esco Elder
The First Battle of Manassas: An End to Innocence, July 18-21,1861 by John J. Hennessy
Final Resting Places: Reflections on the Meaning of Civil War Graves, edited by Brian Matthew Jordan and Jonathan W. White
From Western Virginia with Jackson to Spotsylvania with Lee: The Civil War Letters of St. Joseph Tucker Randolph, edited by Peter C. Luebke
The Better Angel: Walt Whitman in the Civil War by Roy Morris, Jr.
Faces of Union Soldiers at Fredericksburg by Joseph Stahl and Matthew ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
1y ago
Like Grass Before the Scythe: The Life and Death of Sgt. William Remmel, 121st New York Infantry, edited by Robert Patrick Bender
The 14th U.S. Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War: John Young Letters, edited by C. Russell Hunley
Bound to be a Soldier: The Letters of Private James T. Miller, 111th Pennsylvania Infantry, 1861-1864, edited by Jedediah Mannis and Galen R. Wilson
No Place for a Woman: Harriet Dame's Civil War by Mike Pride
From a True Soldier and Son: The Civil War Letters of William C. H. Reeder, edited by Jack Reeder
Mr. Dunn Browne's Experiences in the Army: T ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
1y ago
A Civil War Road Trip of a Lifetime by John Banks
Count the Dead: Coroners, Quants, and the Birth of Death as We Know It by Stephen Berry
Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia by Karida L. Brown
Letters of a Civil War Surgeon, edited by Paul Fatout
On Many a Bloody Field: Four Years in the Iron Brigade by Alan D. Gaff
Voices from Company D: Daries by the Greensboro Guards, Fifth Alabama Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, Edited by G. Ward Hubbs
Rethinking American Emancipation: Legacies of Slavery and the Quest for Black Freedom, edited by William A. Link and Ja ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
1y ago
Meade at Gettysburg: A Study in Command by Kent Masterson Brown
Symbols of Freedom: Slavery and Resistance before the Civil War by Matthew J. Clavin
Letters of a Civil War Soldier: Chandler B. Gilliam, 28th New York Volunteers, with Diary of W. L. Hicks, edited by Ellen C. Collier
Private No More: The Civil War Letters of John Lovejoy Murray, 102nd United States Colored Infantry, edited by Sharon A. Roger Hepburn
Meade's Army: The Private Notebooks of Lt. Col. Theodore Lyman, edited by David W. Lowe
The Civil War Notebook of Daniel Chisholm: A Chronicle of Daily Life in th ..read more
Random Thoughts on History
1y ago
Degrees of Equality: Abolitionist College and the Politics of Race by John Frederick Bell
At War with King Alcohol: Debating Drinking and Masculinity in the Civil War by Megan L. Bever
Samuel Ringgold Ward: A Life of Struggle by R. J. M. Blackett
John Brown's Raid: Harpers Ferry and the Coming of the Civil War, October 16-18, 1859 by Jon-Erik M. Gilot and Kevin R. Pawlak
Battle: The Nature and Consequences of Civil War Combat, edited by Kent Gramm
Fighting with the Eighteenth Massachusetts: The Civil War Memoir of Thomas H. Mann, edited by John J. Hennessy
Civil War Field Artiller ..read more