Echoes of the Narrows: An archaeoacoustics journey from neon to nature in the desert of Nevada
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by Berta Berengueras Gallego
3M ago
Picture this: you cross the Atlantic for a trip to Las Vegas, and you have a whole week ahead of you. What do you do? La entrada Echoes of the Narrows: An archaeoacoustics journey from neon to nature in the desert of Nevada se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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Crossing boundaries: A tale of an acoustician’s first fieldwork among archaeologists in the Drakensberg mountains, South Africa
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by artsoundscapes
1y ago
An acoustic engineer tells us about his experience of doing archaeoacoustics fieldwork in the Drakensberg Mountains in spring 2022 La entrada Crossing boundaries: A tale of an acoustician’s first fieldwork among archaeologists in the Drakensberg mountains, South Africa se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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Artsoundscapes conference 2022: Exploring multidisciplinary approaches in the field of archaeoacoustics
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by artsoundscapes
1y ago
On 20 and 21 October 2022 the ERC Artsoundscapes project organised the “Past sounds: new perspectives in the field of archaeoacoustics” conference ... La entrada Artsoundscapes conference 2022: Exploring multidisciplinary approaches in the field of archaeoacoustics se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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Visiting the artscapes of Levantine rock art: magnificent views, dancing scenes and eccentric hairdos
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by artsoundscapes
2y ago
La entrada Visiting the artscapes of Levantine rock art: magnificent views, dancing scenes and eccentric hairdos se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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The place of acoustics in the process of rock art production
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by artsoundscapes
2y ago
La entrada The place of acoustics in the process of rock art production se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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10 months of Artsoundscapes – the who, the what and the when
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by artsoundscapes
2y ago
La entrada 10 months of Artsoundscapes – the who, the what and the when se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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The acoustics of Palaeolithic caves: a research polyphony
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by Elena Gallego
2y ago
Last January, the youngest members of the Artsoundscapes project travelled to southern Spain to examine first-hand the possibilities of archaeoacoustics in caves containing Palaeolithic rock art... La entrada The acoustics of Palaeolithic caves: a research polyphony se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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Visitando los paisajes del arte rupestre levantino: magníficas vistas, escenas de baile y peinados excéntricos
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by artsoundscapes
2y ago
La entrada Visitando los paisajes del arte rupestre levantino: magníficas vistas, escenas de baile y peinados excéntricos se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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Artsoundscapes in Catalonia: Exploring its rock art
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by artsoundscapes
2y ago
By Laura Fernández Macías, Junior Researcher If this 2020 will be remembered for anything, it will be for this terrible pandemic of Covid-19, which has the whole world on tenterhooks... La entrada Artsoundscapes in Catalonia: Exploring its rock art se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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Fieldwork in Catalonia… at a Time of Coronavirus
Art Soundscapes » Rock Art
by artsoundscapes
2y ago
La entrada Fieldwork in Catalonia… at a Time of Coronavirus se publicó primero en Artsoundscapes more
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