Richmond Cemeteries
Find out the latest news about Richmond Cemeteries and historic burial grounds. The Richmond Cemeteries project is coordinated by Dr. Ryan K. Smith in the History Department at Virginia Commonwealth University. This project highlights central Virginia's notable burying grounds and offers a portal for research and self-guided tours.
Richmond Cemeteries
5d ago
The City of Richmond’s Maury Cemetery is in the news this week for all the wrong reasons. The local news at WTVR CBS 6 reported on one family’s disappointment at the treatment of a grandmother’s recent interment. Apparently, the casket (and its aboveground marker) have been moved by workers to different plots in the cemetery ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
3w ago
Congratulations to the students in our HIST 490 Seminar in History: Richmond Cemeteries course at VCU in the Fall 2024 semester, who completed a range of fascinating studies as part of their capstone undergraduate course. Here is a list of the students’ paper topics: “A Legacy Of Compassion: The Life of Dr. Ali Hossaini Sr ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
10M ago
One of the great “Treasures from the Collections of the Library of Virginia” is the set of 12 order books from the J. Henry Brown Monuments company dating from 1899 through 1920. Brown established his Richmond shop in 1885, where he specialized in creating gravestones. His order books contain thousands of detailed entries, documenting markers ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
1y ago
On Monday, February 5, I received a distressing message from Lenora McQueen, descendant and key advocate for the Shockoe Hill African Burying Ground. Through a review of recent photographs of the site with archaeologist and ally Ellen Chapman, the two saw that VCU Health had recently placed an advertisement on one of the two billboard ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
1y ago
Sharon Pajka, the prolific Richmond-region author and cemetery friend, releases a new book today. Titled The Souls Close to Edgar Allan Poe, it has an inviting cover photograph of the Allan grave markers in Shockoe Hill Cemetery. Sharon explains: “My book includes a collection of thirty-seven memorials, nineteen cemeteries and five states, plus Washington, D.C ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
1y ago
The wheels of justice are still turning slowly for the Enrichmond Foundation’s accountability following its mismanagement of Evergreen Cemetery, East End Cemetery, and broader community relations. In the first half of 2023, various news outlets have reported that the fiscal agent is apparently under investigation by the FBI and the Virginia state attorney general’s office ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
1y ago
These are exciting days for Woodland Cemetery. Descendants and volunteers there have transformed the site under the leadership of the Woodland Restoration Foundation, with bigger plans to come. They invite the public to celebrate with them and learn more at a family-friendly open house to be held at the cemetery on Saturday, May 20, starting ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
2y ago
Today new signage was unveiled at the Battlefield Park Road Cemetery in eastern Henrico County. This is not the nearby ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
2y ago
Last week, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin signed into law Senate Bill 477 and House Bill 140, together the work of ..read more
Richmond Cemeteries
2y ago
Hooray! This morning, the state review board and the board of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources at their quarterly ..read more