Exploring Faith in Europe
"Exploring Faith in Europe" is a blog that explores various aspects of faith, spirituality, and religious practices in the European context. While not solely focused on the lectionary, the blog may occasionally feature reflections or discussions related to the lectionary readings. Readers can expect explorations of European religious traditions, pilgrimage experiences, and insights..
Exploring Faith in Europe
1y ago
An aerial photograph of the River Jordan taken in 1938 (wikimedia commons)
This week’s lectionary blog focuses on the lectionary Gospel reading Mark 1.1-8, and draws attention to one of the Bible studies offered at the recent Diocesan Racial Justice Conference.
Clare Amos, Director of Lay Discipleship
One of the disturbing chants that has frequently been heard, both in the Middle East and in western cities, in the two months, since the events of October 7 is, ’From the river to the sea…’ How the sentence then ends depends on who is doing the chanting. If it is f ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
1y ago
This week’s blog focuses on the Gospel reading Mark 13.24-37 to reflect on the ‘Advent time’.
Clare Amos
Director of Lay Discipleship, Diocese in Europe
Christ Pantocrator, Toledo Cathedral, accessed via wikimedia commons
What exactly is the season of Advent? J Neil Alexander, a liturgical theologian from the United States poses the question, ‘Is Advent a preparatory fast in preparation for the liturgical commemoration of the historical birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, or is Advent a season unto itself, a sacrament of the end of time begun in the incarnation and sti ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
1y ago
Window in All Saints Church, Beirut, Lebanon
Given that many churches in the Diocese in Europe, including the one with which I (Clare Amos) am most closely linked, will be marking All Saints and All Souls Day this coming weekend I felt it made sense to have a primary focus this week on the readings selected for All Saints Day. (Revelation 7.9–17; 1 John 3.1–3; Matthew 5.1–12)
As it happens, though, the readings for the Fourth Sunday before Advent – the alternative liturgical possibly suggested by the Common Worship calendar – which are Micah 3.5–12; 1 Thessalonians 2.9–13; Matthew 24.1 ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
1y ago
Part of a manuscript of the Book of Leviticus from the Dead Sea Scrolls
This week’s ‘Faith in Europe’ blog focuses on the Gospel reading Matthew 22.34-46, the lectionary Gospel for Sunday 29 October. Current events in the Middle East, as well as the history of religion in Europe, are in my mind as I write it.
Clare Amos
Director of Lay Discipleship, Diocese in Europe
There are two halves to this coming Sunday’s lectionary (Matthew 22.34-46) Gospel reading – each with a question in them. I expect most congregations will concentrate on the first half, and the first question. So will ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
1y ago
I am grateful to Revd Jonathan Halliwell for this interesting reflection on Matthew 22.15-22, the lectionary Gospel for Sunday 22 October 2023. Jonathan is a distinctive deacon serving his curacy in St John & St Philip, The Hague. As part of his ministry, he serves as a port chaplain for the Mission to Seafarers in Rotterdam. If you want to contact Jonathan you can do so via deacon@stjohn-stphilip.org
Clare Amos
Director of Lay Discipleship
Diocese in Europe
In preparing to preach about our relationship with money, I was interested to discover that Holland is the ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
1y ago
Armenian pottery communion plate made in Jerusalem depicting the loaves and fishes mosaic at Tabgha, Galilee
This week’s blog engages with Isaiah 25.1-9; Philippians 4.1-9, Matthew 22.1-14, three Common Worship lectionary readings suggested or Sunday October 15.
Clare Amos
Director of Lay Discipleship, Diocese in Europe
It feels quite a challenge to offer a reflection for this week’s blog, especially given the circumstances that the world, in particular the Middle East, finds itself in at the moment. My husband and I have long-standing links to several countries in the region and to the ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
1y ago
The contested vineyard 2
Given its three year cycle, in October 2020 the Common Worship lectionary readings Isaiah 5.1-7 ; Philippians 3.4b-14 ; Matthew 21.33-46. were the same as we will use this coming Sunday, I drew attention in 2020 to some significant questions the readings pose for many of us in Europe, and certainly for me. I revisit (and rework) what I said then, for the questions are not ones that have gone away in the interim, indeed in some ways may be even more pressing. However as I noted at the time, it is also interesting that the biblical readings about the care ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
1y ago
First I need to offer an apology to former readers of this blog, ‘Faith in Europe’ for the fact that it has not appeared during the last year. This was primarily due to my other commitments in the Diocese – in particular finalising the material for the diocesan lay learning course and delivering it on line: that has needed to be my priority in the previous 12 months.
Although there are still quite a lot of ends to ‘tie up’ in relation to the lay learning course (if you want to find out more about it go to https://www.europe.anglican.org/lay-learning-course), it seems a good moment to res ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
2y ago
Jesus Pantocrator, Sinai icon
This week’s lectionary blog focuses on the lectionary Gospel for this coming Sunday, Luke 9.51-62. It has clearly been influenced by the fact that Canon William Gulliford and I are preparing to take the diocesan Ministry Experience Scheme interns from both last year and this on a much delayed visit to Jerusalem in early July. Please keep us in your prayers. The picture that illustrates the blog is a very ancient icon from St Katherine’s monastery Sinai. It is said to be the oldest icon of Jesus still in existence. You can read more about the icon underneath ..read more
Exploring Faith in Europe
2y ago
The risen Christ pulls Adam and Eve out of hell
I am very grateful to my husband Alan, for offering to write this week’s lectionary blog, on the lectionary Gospel Luke 8.26 -39. It is illustrated by an icon of the Easter rising of Christ. Why this picture was chosen is explained below, in a note at the end of the blog.
Clare Amos, Director of Lay Discipleship
In a rash moment, I offered to write this blog, and Clare quickly accepted. My offer was partly that I like a challenge, and the story of the Gerasenes, the man who said his name was Legion, and the herd of swin ..read more