Wordless Wednesday
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
1d ago
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Fudge The Change
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
2d ago
… The wish to change is an urge that society plants in us and so from an early age on, we find things wrong with us. Me? I am no exception. The last sixty years I found so many things wrong with me. I had an endless wishlist of things I needed to change dramatically ..read more
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Why I like Hospitals
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
2d ago
… Because it is all right to be in a bad mood there,slouching along through the underground garage,riding wordlessly on the elevator with the other customers,staring at the closed beige doors like a prison wall. I like the hospital for the way it grants permission for pathos—the mother with cancer deciding how to tell her ..read more
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What We Don’t See!
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
6d ago
… A tad away from the normal path but close enough to be seen by others, it always feels like we are alone in the woods. The dogs are off the leash or on an extra-long hiking lead. We are out to explore. Some might call it exercise or dog walking, I call it “Me-time ..read more
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Bacterium And Staphylococcus
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
1w ago
… Once upon a time there livedtwo Latin viruses namedBacterium and Staphylococcus. They discussed at length their physiologicaland spiritual origins the way Ars debatesthe respective virtues of Modern and Rococo art. One spoke highly of the National Art galleryin London and how full it was of staid displaysand the other of ancient Lascaux, the latter ..read more
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Wordless Wednesday
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
1w ago
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Wordless Wednesday
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
1w ago
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Wordless Wednesday
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
2w ago
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When Optimists Stumble
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
2w ago
… The day after my birthday I fell hard and sadly, I fell forward, not backward as I was trained to do when I was an active skier. I would have preferred a soft landing on my bottom but it didn’t happen. Maybe I was still on cloud nine after a very nice birthday that ..read more
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When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
The happy Quitter!
by nonsmokingladybug
2w ago
… Berlin, early 1933: The Nazis are on the verge of their projected election victory, the Reichstag is burning, and mass madness is shown everywhere. Then a phone call! Her father leaves Berlin the next day shortly afterward the girl Anna travels to Switzerland with her family. Her father, a well-known critical Jewish journalist, is ..read more
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