A flowchart for dealing with mathematical series
College Park Tutors Blog
2y ago
The chapter on series is notorious for making calculus students want to hurl their textbooks into a fire, curl ..read more
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Finding absolute maximums and minimums of a 2-variable function on a closed region
College Park Tutors Blog
2y ago
Tonight, on the World's Most Extreme Values. One 2-variable function. One closed region. One shot at glory ..read more
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Finding the area of (almost) any closed region
College Park Tutors Blog
2y ago
Howdy folks, Alex here! I thought I'd start this blog off right, with one of the most popular (and head-spinning ..read more
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An easier way to take the derivative of complicated logarithmic functions
College Park Tutors Blog
2y ago
Math can often feel overwhelming. Sometimes, it just overwhelming, even when you actually ..read more
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Optimization: using calculus to find maximum area or volume
College Park Tutors Blog
2y ago
Optimization, or finding the maximums or minimums of a function, is one of the first applications of the derivative ..read more
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Using calculus to minimize inventory costs for a manufacturing operation
College Park Tutors Blog
2y ago
A lot of the "word problems" that come up in calculus seem silly and contrived, because they are. The inventory ..read more
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