Le Centre africain d’étude et de recherche sur le terrorisme (ACSRT) et le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)
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7M ago
Le Centre africain d’étude et de recherche sur le terrorisme (ACSRT) et le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) ont tenu une table ronde commune sur le droit international humanitaire : prévenir et combattre le terrorisme en Afrique. La table ronde était coprésidée par le chef de la formation et de l’équipement de l’ACSRT, le Colonel Christian Emmanuel MOUAYA POUYI, et le chef de la délégation du comité international de la Croix-Rouge Madame Valérie AUBERT. Des experts clés de l’ACSRT et du CICR ont fait des exposés sur diverses nouvelles menaces de préoccupation pour la sécurité inte ..read more
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The Horn of Africa is currently facing with multidimensional challenges with critical impacts on the political, military, economic and social domains. Intra- and inter-state conflicts, terrorism, economic decline, food insecurity and migration are among the most significant challenges affecting the region.
by Admin
8M ago
The Horn of Africa is currently facing with multidimensional challenges with critical impacts on the political, military, economic and social domains. Intra- and inter-state conflicts, terrorism, economic decline, food insecurity and migration are among the most significant challenges affecting the region. In order to deal with these challenges, regionalism and regional organizations play an important role, covering cooperation in security, the economy, environmental and social development. The NSD-S HUB and the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) organized a worksho ..read more
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Le Centre africain d’étude et de recherche sur le terrorisme (ACSRT) et l’ambassade d’Allemagne ont tenu une table ronde commune sur la menace du terrorisme et de l’extrémisme violent.
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8M ago
La table ronde a été coprésidée par le directeur par intérim de l’ACSRT, M. Idriss Mounir Lallali et le Dr Jasper Wieck, chef du département politique du ministère fédéral allemand de la défense. Les experts de l’ACSRT ont fait des exposés sur l’évolution des menaces d’extrémisme violent et de terrorisme en Afrique, en particulier dans la région du Sahel, et sur les mesures qui ont été prises par l’UA pour y faire face. La table ronde a convenu d’élargir le débat et de veiller à ce que les capacités des États membres de l’Union africaine (AUMS) soient renforcées pour faire face aux menaces ..read more
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TERRORISMINAFRICA: African Terrorism Bulletin, a bi-weekly compilation and analysis of terrorism incidents in Africa reveals 476 terrorism deaths from 75 terrorist attacks for the second half of June 2019.
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8M ago
#TERRORISMINAFRICA: African Terrorism Bulletin, a bi-weekly compilation and analysis of terrorism incidents in Africa reveals 249 terrorism deaths from 86 terrorist attacks for the second half of July 2019. For the period, 96 CIVILIANS and 62 SECURITY FORCES were killed by Terrorists. 91 TERRORISTS were also killed by security forces in reprisal attacks. In addition, 55 other terrorist were killed during Deliberate Counter-Terrorism Operations by security forces ..read more
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The Romanian Ambassador to Algeria, H.E. Mr. Gruia Jacota, together with participants of the International Training Course on “Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction Support for the Sahel
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8M ago
The Romanian Ambassador to Algeria, H.E. Mr. Gruia Jacota, together with participants of the International Training Course on “Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction Support for the Sahel” visited the African Centre for the Study & Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) on October 17, 2023. The course was organised by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Agency for International Development Cooperation (RoAid) in partnership with the Institut Diplomatique et des Relations Internationales (IDRI.) Mr. Ameur Dahmani, on behalf of the Ag. Director received and welcomed the ..read more
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The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism – ACSRT in partnership with two other African Union institutions namely; the Mediation and Dialogue Division (MDD) within the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department (PAPS) and African Union Mission for Mali and the Sahel (MISAHEL) with the support of Cabinet ESEN organised a Roundtable discussion on Alternative Approaches of Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism in the Sahel and West Africa.
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8M ago
The discussion was held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, from 23-25 October 2023. The round table brought together over 30 CT/PVE experts in Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and other regional experts comprising of women and youth groups in terrorism affected communities, researchers and practitioners to examine the various existing innovative community approaches, in order to identify good practices that are inclusive and capable of finding a long-lasting solution to the terrorism menace ..read more
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Today, The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism – ACSRT welcomed a visit from Ms Mariana Llorens Zabala , a researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in Oslo, Norway.
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8M ago
Today, The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism – ACSRT welcomed a visit from Ms Mariana Llorens Zabala , a researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in Oslo, Norway. Mariana is visiting the ACSRT as part of a research study on the African Union’s counterterrorism architecture. During the visit , ACSRT members presented on the mandate of the Centre and the CT efforts that the African Union has led since the ACSRT’s creation. #TERRORISMINAFRICA ..read more
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The African Union (AU) Commission on Tuesday expressed deep concern over sustained financing of terrorist activities in Africa
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8M ago
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According to Data available in the Africa Terrorism Database
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8M ago
According to Data available in the Africa Terrorism Database, hosted by The African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism – ACSRT, a total of 2,122 terrorist attacks were recorded from 1st January 2023 – 30 September 2023. The attacks resulted in the deaths of 12,092 people across the continent. #TERRORISMINAFRICA ..read more
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CODECO Violent Extremism Activities in Eastern DRC: Analysis of Vulnerabilities, Response, and Resilience
by Admin-3
1y ago
Multiple conflicts and Violent Extremism have escalated in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Over the years, lethal combinations of spiralling violence, vicious cycle of armed attacks against civilians and security have surged. The conflict which has caused a record high number of deaths, properties destructions, and hunger levels, is underreported amidst total neglect triggering ..read more
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