Fit Dallas Mom Blog
Fit Dallas Mom follows the story of Stephanie Lopez, a mom of three trying to keep herself healthy and fit while focused on her family. Stay updated on the daily adventures that she has with her family.
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
As adults, most of the time, we either aim to parent just like our parents or be the exact opposite of them. My goal when having kids has always been to try to lift them up and have them always know I loved them more than anything.
Growing up we were taught not to show emotion or that you cared. Feelings were something you did not talk about. You were to always keep everything inside. My mother was never a warm and happy person. She was always mad and yelling about something. Love was not something you were shown. It was just assumed. There was never a time where my mother actually hugged me ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
This is one of my favorite rooms in the house. Yes I know that sounds crazy. But it’s my quiet place away from the crazy. There’s something calming to me about being in here, folding laundry and listening to nothing but the sound of the washer or dryer.
I love my kids more than anything in the world but sometimes momma just needs a few minutes of quiet. Even if it means doing their laundry to get it!
When we designed the laundry room we wanted a clean design. I didn’t want all white because we were going to keep the dog bowls in here and she tends to make a mess. So a grey flooring with a l ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
Warmer temperatures mean more families are getting outside. If your family lives in an area prone to ticks and mosquitoes, however, you could be more worried about getting bitten. Mosquitoes and tick bites can carry serious consequences, so you’re right to be concerned. Instead of letting those concerns keep your family from enjoying the great outdoors and getting some exercise, though, why not focus your energy on preventing those bites? To make sure your outdoor fun isn’t ruined by these pests, here are some vital facts you need to know, brought to you by Fit Dallas Mom Blog.
Poorly Maintai ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
I”m in month 8 of my pregnancy and the sleepless nights have kicked in. I have forgotten how hard the last few months can be. I’m so exhausted every day. The weight of the baby, chasing around 2 little ones and not sleeping at night is getting to me.
With my first baby I had only minor pregnancy insomnia, plus nightly leg pains. I had a few nights where I didn’t sleep well but it was never a full night. Maybe just a few hours where I couldn’t get to sleep. Second baby I had just nightly leg pains. With this third baby it’s major insomnia and leg pains at night.
This last week I had a run of a ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
I’ve been MIA from my blog for a while. Life sort of took the reigns on its own and went 100 miles a minute! With young kids I’m just doing my best to make sure everyone is on time and fully clothed these days!
A lot has changed in the last year. One of which is me making the decision to renew my teaching license. Will I go back? Maybe, maybe not. But I want the option to still be there.
I loved teaching. Being in the classroom was so much fun. Granted, I did have some tough days but I would say 90% of the time it was good. The memories I have in the classroom are days of laughter. I remember ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
The Texas State Fair is one of my favorite events in the world. It’s absolutely ridiculous I know, but the atmosphere, energy and excitement of it all is what makes it great. (Plus Fletchers Corny Dogs )
We took our 4 year old and our 5 month old. We had to leave the 2 year old home with grandma because he wouldn’t have lasted more than 15 minutes. He would have just wanted to run. Those crowds would have been terrible with him.
I wasn’t sure how our 4 year old would do but I was pleasantly surprised. He was a little ornery at first but it was because he was hungry. Once we got food in him w ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
It’s been a hard year for mental health. Not that I have to tell you that.
No matter how the pandemic has changed your life — losing jobs, losing people, working overtime, parenting overtime — odds are it’s starting to wear on you as we continue missing family, friends, and any sense of normalcy.
Most people have spent the past 18 months just trying to get by. But going forward, we need to think seriously about how not to just tread water, but to propel ourselves forward despite this strange world we’re living in. There’s no telling how long it will be before we’re back to our old habits and ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
The other day at the pool, after playing in the sun for an hour, I look over at my 4 year old and his swim shorts were at his ankles. Literally bare butt out to everyone. I of course panicked, ran over to him and quickly pulled his pants up. I asked him why his pants were down. He said he was done wearing them. So we had to have the discussion, if you want dry clothes on, ask don’t just take off your clothes.
Honestly, I was super glad that his pants were down for a reason like he wanted to change and not that he took them down to pee in public. Because that was the first thing that came to m ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
Yesterday was a rough day for this little munchkin. He got his two month shots. The post shot soreness was hard on him. You couldn’t touch his little legs without him crying in pain. The only comfortable way for him to lay was across my lap.
Those little cries are the hardest to hear. It literally broke my heart that I couldn’t make the aching stop for him.
He isn’t aching as much today. The shot spots are a little sore but it’s not causing him to cry (thank heavens).
I think not being able to take away their aches and pains is one of the hardest parts of motherhood ..read more
Fit Dallas Mom Blog
2y ago
Recently I was sent a pair of pants by Born Tough to try out. I received their BT contoured tracksuit jogger leggings. If you know me, you know I love a good pair of leggings/joggers!
I’m 5’3 wearing a size small (mind you I’m 7months pregnant right now)
Here is the link to the pants: https://www.borntough.com/products/born-tough-contoured-black-crossfit-tracksuit-jogger-leggings-for-women
I was impressed with the material of the pants. It’s a thick, sturdy material that doesn’t seem like it will stretch out or pill after wear. I love that the pants are high waisted without having that old sch ..read more