Planting Potatoes: How to have a successful harvest
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
In this article you will learn how to plant, care for, harvest and store potatoes. We will also introduce you to the best potato varieties for every purpose more
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Small white flies in the house: what to do?
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
You have discovered small white flies in the house and wonder what these pests are and how you can get rid of them? Then you've come to the right place. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about the little whiteflies more
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Ants in the house: How to get rid of them!
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
Do you have ants in your house and don't know how to get rid of them? In this article you will learn all about the causes, methods and prevention of ant infestation. Learn how to keep your kitchen clean, seal your house wall and use natural plants to keep the ants away. Read on now and get rid of those pesky crawlers more
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Butterflies 101: The Full Info Guide
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
Butterflies are beautiful and useful animals that fascinate many people. In this article you will learn more about the different species, diet, flight behavior, reproduction and mimicry of butterflies more
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Wasp Trap: Guide for a Sting-Free Summer
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
A wasp trap can help you stay sting-free this summer and enjoy your time in the garden without pesky wasps more
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Wasp Nest Removal: The Right Way to Do It
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
Wasp nests can be extremely annoying. How you can have wasp nests removed, you will learn in this article more
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Wasps: Useful helpers or annoying pests?
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
Wasps are useful helpers, but also annoying pests. Learn all about wasps, how to avoid or get rid of them and how to treat wasp stings more
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Silverfish: Where do they come from and how do you fight them?
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
Silverfish are considered a nuisance by most. In this article you will learn if they are harmful or if you can even keep them in a terrarium more
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Vermiculite: Why It Belongs In Your Terrarium Substrate
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1w ago
In this article you will learn everything you need to know about vermiculite, a great substrate for terrariums. You'll learn what vermiculite is, why it's a good substrate for terrariums, how to choose the right vermiculite for your terrarium more
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Planting Potatoes: How to have a successful harvest
Terrarium Blog
by Jan
1y ago
Du liebst Kartoffeln? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In diesem Artikel erfährst du alles, was du wissen musst, um deine eigenen Kartoffeln anzubauen. Egal ob im Garten, auf dem Balkon oder im Terrarium – Kartoffeln pflanzen ist gar nicht so schwer, wenn du ein paar Tipps befolgst. Kartoffeln sind nicht nur lecker, sondern auch gesund. Sie enthalten viele Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und Ballaststoffe. Außerdem sind sie vielseitig verwendbar: Ob als Salat, Bratkartoffeln, Püree oder Pommes – Kartoffeln schmecken immer! Je nach Geschmack, Reifezeit und Verwendungszweck kannst du aus einer Vielzahl more
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